Friday, May 30, 2014

Enjoy the Ride

"Buy the ticket, take the ride..." - Hunter S. Thompson

Sometimes we get so wrapped up in our safety net of daily patterns, we forget to live and experience life. I am just as prone to this as anybody. When change occurs, or the pattern is disrupted, I have to remind myself that the "edge" can awaken our senses if we just allow ourselves to come close it.

This past week was my wife and my annual "Grandma & Grandpalooza" event for the grandkids. We take all of our grandkids into our home for the week. We let their parents enjoy some time off as well. We plan out activities and other exciting things for them to do. In many ways we are trying to give them great memories before they are too old to be bothered with Grandma and Grandpa.

My wife always gets excited leading up to the week. She gets to have all of her sweet babies around her and all that stuff Grandmothers do. Myself, I get a touch of nerves as my slight affliction with obsessive compulsive disorder can set off alarms in my psyche. There will be a disarray of toys, clothes and divided attention required. I prepare and steady myself as the time approaches.

The day arrives and events of the week unfold in a perfect non-pattern enjoyment.

We effectively buy the ticket and take the ride during the week. No matter what happens, we enjoy and allow life the happen in a somewhat unscripted fashion. And today is the last day of a fun-filled ride. No scrapes, no bruises or broken bones; well maybe a few scrapes. But the grandkids, grandparents and even our pet dog have enjoyed the week.

You might be saying, "Wow, that's really living out on the edge Joe!"

Experiencing the edge does not have to mean going through a dazed week in Las Vegas or even throwing caution to the wind. It means changing up the normal and making sure you experience life in different ways.

The "edge" I speak of is and will be different for everyone.

It is at the "edge" where you might find a great idea that will take you in a new direction.
It is at the "edge" where you might find a new place to achieve greatness in life.

Buy the ticket, take the ride and enjoy life. Stay inspired my friends.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Front Window View

"See life through the front window, not through the rear window." - Brett Favre

Life tends to rush past us in a seemingly endless stream of blurred images. We look behind us to see what we missed, trying to capture what has already gone by.

Much of this happens due to our busy lives. Working hard in order to earn a promotion at work, trying to improve all that we do consumes so much of our time. The days and people in our lives simply disappear into the rear view mirror.

If you can simply slow down just a bit and allow your self to see life coming at you. It will give you more time to appreciate those around you, it will give you more time to enjoy your life.

Stay inspired my friends.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Put a Bird on Life

You live and learn. At any rate, you live.” ― Douglas Adams

It was a fine late spring morning that my grandson played upon the backyard deck as I watched him meander from one spot to the next. It was 6:00 AM in the morning and he was taking in all that a near 18-month old can absorb.

As the sun began to peak above the horizon, a chorus of male birds began the familiar chatter of letting each other know they were alive and well. It is in the chirping that they communicate to let other birds know they are still here; protecting their territory, stating their existence.

A brand new day was beginning.

My grandson began to stop and listen to the cacaphony, seemingly trying to figure out what the noise was. In an odd sense he appeared to be learning the language of the morning symphony. He then began a conversation with the birds, declaring his space and that he too was alive and well this morning.

A loud squeal would come from him and the birds would lower their declarations. A pause and they would return to the loud chorus and again my grandson would shout out a morning call of his own. Back and and forth this went for one or two minutes until he looked at me, smiled and giggled a bit.

The birds were finished and so was my grandson.

The toys on the porch now occupied my grandson and the birds went about their business of worms and nest repair. The morning had begun and life was back in full swing as the sun came over the tree line. It will be a glorious day once again today and every day.

Make each of your own days a declaration of life. Make each day a spectacular example of all that is good. In other words, put a bird on it!

Stay inspired my friends!

Monday, May 26, 2014

Today We Honor

"The willingness with which our young people are likely to serve in any war, no matter how justified, shall be directly proportional to how they perceive the Veterans of earlier wars were treated and appreciated by their nation." - President George Washington

The day begins with gnats biting at their faces while they stand in formation awaiting the days orders. It is in the same early morning light of a hot and humid place that they train. The long ruck marches through the lifting fog only to meet up with the blistering sun.

These are the men and women of our military who train and prepare while we make our morning coffee. As the rush hour traffic frustrates our commute, two or more hours have passed for military personnel. In fact, the military never sleeps in protecting our ability to wave a flag, argue left or right, and dance our nights away.

I have known many that served their country. Some were once young, others are still young. All them of them, proud and brave. Their names are not in the great books and movies we each have read or watched. There are no statues bearing their likeness in the town square nor portraits upon the walls of government buildings.

Yet each one remains as brave and heroic as any medal given.

Each of them served during time of war.
Each of them I respect and admire.
Each of them are my heroes.

Ralph Gale: WW-I
Lawrence Primm: WW-II
Paul Schmidt: WW-II
Arnold Gale: WW-II / Korean
Jerry Perkins: Vietnam
Gerald Primm: Vietnam
John Primm: Vietnam
Roy Carter: Vietnam
Brian Smalley: Gulf War I
Joseph Schmidt: Gulf War I
Daniel Primm: Iraq

And there are many others that would fill days upon days to honor each and everyone. Many that served during times of conflict and during times of peace. Each placing their lives into service of others. And many more that gave their life in defense, honor and service to our country.

Today we honor those that train in the early morning fog. We honor those that protect our freedoms. We honor those that have sacrificed so that others may live in freedom. On this day, Memorial Day in the United States we remember the men and women who died while serving in our country's armed forces.

Thank you brave and gallant warriors. Thank you for each and every moment given.

Stay inspired my friends.