Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Surprise, Surprise

"Surprise is the greatest gift which life can grant us." ~ Boris Pasternak

Life can be full of surprises. A surprise visit from a brother to his sister's birthday party. A surprise from a son on Father's day. A surprise is what you get in return for gifting others. There is a reaction of happiness that will fill your heart with joy.

The act of giving or surprising others can really feed back great things into your life. You should give it a try sometime. Give without expectation. Surprise without expectation. As I said, it will fill you with wonder, excitement and happiness.

And as Gomer Pyle would always say on the Andy Griffith Show, "surprise, surprise, surprise."

Stay inspired my friends!

Monday, January 27, 2014

Pancreatic Cancer

There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” -Albert Einstein

Life has a tendency to fill the wagon you pull with rocks. These rocks range from small pebbles to large boulders. Each of these rocks are constantly being removed by you in order to lighten the load.

You use these rocks to lay a path for your journey in life.

A few years back in 2008, my family had those rocks fill our wagons with my mother having the largest burden to carry. In her late seventies, she was been diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer. Yes, the same cancer that received momentary press coverage when the actor Patrick Swayze was diagnosed as well.

It is known that in America,

- one in three women will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime.
- one in two men will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime.

Of those diagnosed with pancreatic cancer,

- it is the 4th leading cause of cancer death in the United States.
- it is the 3rd leading cause of cancer death among 40-59 year old men.

Approximately 38,000 people will be diagnosed with pancreatic cancer each year in the United States and nearly 34,000 people will die from it. The number of Americans diagnosed each year of pancreatic cancer continues to rise unlike other leading cancers where an investment in early detection has led to a decrease in cancer incidences. Survival rates for pancreatic cancer have remained in the single digits for more than 40 years. Today, the five-year relative survival rate remains at just 6 percent.

Reading all of these statistics can overwhelm a person and my intent is not to beg for sympathy for her. My intent is to help raise awareness and to ask you to consider becoming involved. You can visit Pancreatic Cancer Action Network to learn more and donate dollars to aide in research efforts.

My bigger purpose is also to celebrate my mother's life.

Today is the anniversary of her birth and of a great life lived. As you could expect, you know how much each of us love her, laugh and cry while we remember the courageous battle she fought against this cancer.

Life as we understand it is finite at some point, but it does not mean we give up on it. Miracles happen, people live long and healthy lives, and we embrace the time that we have.

As you embark on your own journey of life, take a few moments to do what you can to help others improve their own journey.

Stay inspired my friends!

Friday, January 24, 2014

Then What

"Sometimes our light goes out but is blown into flame by another human being. Each of us owes deepest thanks to those who have rekindled this light." - Albert Schweitzer

There are varying levels of 'anguish' or 'turmoil' in each of our lives. I refer to a myriad of issues that could be going on in our daily struggle to exist. It could be someone struggling with alcoholism, trying as he might to break from its hold of his life. There are other forms of addiction that affect people from alcohol and drugs to criminal behaviors which all tear a person's life apart.

Many times this way of life is a 'me' oriented journey. And for those that choose to put their lives in order will find the going tough. It is not an easy journey.

But when the decision is made to change...then what?

Your addiction is treated, handled, put under control and those basic needs in life become evident again. In example, finding a job enters back in as a need for your life. You re-educate yourself so that you can enter the work place. Finding a job that will enable you to afford a place to live, food to eat and some glimpse of a future...then what?

As time passes, you become a model work place employee. You meet someone nice and start to develop a relationship. You might even establish your religious faith again. The motion of life seems to be in order, all is going well...then what?

Even from the most messed up lives, we can achieve a level of stability in which we become comfortable. It is in this comfort that we risk developing our 'me-oriented' thoughts. But you need to keep asking yourself...then what?

The 'then what' is turning your life from 'me' to 'others'.

The 'others' are those we extend a helping hand to. The 'others' are those that need your help is bringing order to their own lives. If it were not for 'others', your own life could not have been brought back from where it was. We turn our attention to serving and helping others where we can.

As my friend Dean Sweetman has said, "Do not help people by making them into a project. Help people by loving them with a sincere concern for their well being."

Then what?

When you release yourself from a 'me-centered' life, good things will flow back into your life in unexpected ways. There will always be the "...then what" in our lives which is simply a call from your heart to do more. Find your life and then turn your goodness outward.

Stay inspired my friends!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

What Journey Are You On

"We are made to persist. That's how we find out who we are." - Tobias Wolff

Anything we do in life is going to have some level of resistance. That resistance comes in many forms. It will create obstacles in front of us as we attempt to reach a goal, from reaching an accomplishment.

Think of those mundane activities we do such as driving to work each morning. Traffic frustration can be an obstacle to overcome in getting to your place of work. Or maybe it is the check out line at the grocery store with a long slow moving line.

There are also bigger, more important obstacles in life we have to overcome.

A job advancement that you might be struggling to grab hold of. It could be a relationship issue with a loved one. Even greater it could be a death in the family.

There are many and numerous major life events we encounter. Yet everyone of these obstacles represent opportunities to assess and find new paths in our life.

To find motivation in order to overcome the obstacles we face is a part of the process; your particular journey.  And perseverance is key to continuing on that journey..never give up, never give up.

The journey may change, just don't give up on the journey. Overcome those things in life that will try to keep you from achieving your own brand of greatness.

Stay inspired my friends!