Tuesday, April 08, 2014

Waves of Change

The storms come and go, the waves crash overhead, the big fish eat the little fish, and I keep on paddling.” ― George R.R. Martin

The new day comes and your thoughts are to the work which lay ahead.

A job in which there is not enough time or manpower.

You think of what is on the "to-do" list. Not only are there new tasks to complete today, but there are items left over from your previous work day. A never ending stream of work that seems impossible to complete. Such is the ever increasing demands that many employers place upon the modern day employee.

Management by human cost reduction and pressure to do more upon remaining employees to produce more.

- There will be fewer employees to complete the work.
-- "no money in the budget, we must reduce cost to remain competitive."
- There will be fewer opportunities for overtime to complete the work.
-- "no money in the budget, we must reduce cost to remain competitive."
- There will be fewer raises for the increased workload each takes on.
-- "no money in the budget, we must reduce cost to remain competitive."

More work, faster and more more efficient is the mantra in order to keep your job these days. Quality will suffer although you will hear many companies exhort that "quality is their number one concern."

So what can you do?

Many jobs have become that of a child digging a hole on the beach. The faster the child digs, the quicker it fills in with sea water and more sand. An endless fight against the ocean and sand that seems never to be won. But we keep digging, performing the job we are asked to do. Just realize in your mind that change is inevitable.

The tide will go out and allow the hole to be dug until the next tide or cycle of business comes around. Management will come to grips with the situation and change will happen. For many it feels miserable to work so hard and not feel that any head way has been made.

Keep plugging along, keep doing the work that you do so well.

A time will come when you may feel the need to move onto something else. I can not say if you should stay or leave. You will have to make that decision. It will be a decision based upon many factors in your life. But don't over think it. Many times that first gut feeling is the right one.

Whether it be digging a hole in the sand waiting for the tide to go out or building a sand castle, enjoy what you do as best you can. Change will happen just as the ocean moves with the tide and the softness of a breeze.

Stay inspired my friends.

Monday, April 07, 2014

Being a Friend

A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.” - Walter Winchell

Each of us have so much that we can give to others but tend to forget we have the ability to do so. It is an ability to brighten and make a difference in someones life. It is a small thing such as simply being a friend when others have left the room.

Being a friend can mean listening and offering encouragement.

Being a friend can mean lifting up that person when they are discouraged.

Being a friend can also mean being real in your answers to them. Which means being able to say "stop the self pity, get up and get moving."

Pure friendship is solid and supportive. You know that you could lose the person you are helping, but knowing that if it makes a positive change in their life, you're okay with that. This type of friendship works because it comes from your heart.

Why? Because it is about them and not about you.

Try to be a friend to someone and help them make a change in their life. Remember though, you don't change people, they change themselves. But being a friend will give them the ability to make the change in their own lives.

Stay inspired my friends.

Friday, April 04, 2014

Thankful Once in a While

Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation.” - Brian Tracy

Coming home from a trip to Boston, I read a Readers Digest article titled, "How The New Science of Thank You Can Change Your Life." The article pretty much falls in the same space as most everything I talk about in this blog. One must be realistic that life does get in the way and not everything will be perfect and wonderful. Yet to think and move in life with a more positive attitude will serve you better.

The article referenced a study conducted by Robert Emmons (University of California-Davis) and Michael E. McCullough (University of Miami). Published in 2003, the study found that people who were consciously grateful;

- felt better about their lives.
- were more optimistic.
- were more energetic.
- were more enthusiastic.
- were more determined.
- were more interested.
- were more joyful.
- exercised more.
- dad fewer illnesses.
- got more sleep.
- were more likely to have helped someone else.

Very interesting and results that can change your life. Both small things along with the big things make a difference.

Life is not nearly as bad as we tend to make it out to be. So stay inspired my friends.

Thursday, April 03, 2014

A Big Glass

Pane 3: "What'cha doin?"; "Deciding whether my glass is half empty or half full." - NINJA BILLY

Some people think of the glass as half full. Some people think of the glass as half empty. I think of the glass as too big.” - George Carlin

A glass being so big that we can not begin to imagine filling it.

An attitude that says much more is possible in your life.

That is a great way to think of and live our life.

Start believing in the half-full glass for your life, but also believe in a glass too large. When you do, you will begin to see there is much more of life opened up. And when you reach a point of saying there is nothing more for you, look and you will find there is more room in the glass; more possibility.

Do not sit still and wonder whether your life is "half empty or half full".

Step out and begin to fill your life.

Stay inspired my friends!