Monday, June 09, 2014

Adventure Awaits

"Adventure is not outside a man; it is within." - Ray Stannard Baker

Every day we get up and a new adventure begins for each of us. The ups and downs of circumstance will cross paths with us in ways we probably never anticipated. But the adventure of daily life is what makes life so great.

Think of a river raft floating gently down a peaceful river. The flat calm waters flow quietly and nothing happens. We lazily watch the scenery of life pass us by, knowing eventually we will end up in the large ocean of time.

It would be nice if our life were that calm.

Yet most lives get to encounter a few rapids in the water along the way. We can sometimes hear the rumbling waters ahead while other times the rapids surprise us as we round the bend in the river.

When we first enter the bubbling water, a small bit of excitement enters our chest along with just a bit of fear. We make it through the bumps with a certain sense of accomplishment.

But then you hear the giant roar of the large rapids.

Misting and rough danger lay ahead. You see the approaching turbulence or suddenly find yourself in the midst of it. Do you give up or adjust your paddles to find a path while holding on for dear life?

There may even be doubt in your mind that this hard stretch will ever end. Our vision becomes short sighted as we concentrate on battling the churning waters. But the calm waters are out ahead if you take a glimpse a bit further out.

The adventure of your life is filled with moments of calm or heart pounding excitement.

It is accepting the fact we will encounter these moments that will help us get through them. The adventure of life will carry us to that huge ocean of time. The sense of adventure is within all of us. Enjoy the ride that comes with living and stay inspired my friends!

Friday, June 06, 2014

What Did You Say

"No one would talk much in society, if he knew how often he misunderstands others." - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

So often it happens, we say something and others misunderstand us. From that first step into conversation, things can go from good to bad. Hurt feelings, disagreement and at the extreme end, wars can occur.

There is an example that was relayed to me by a friend. It is a story of near misunderstanding that could have led to embarrassment or worse a business loss. A business man was traveling in China developing plans for a new project. With most of the formal meetings taken place already, the real business was to take place over a meal.

This happens in many cultures such that business gets sealed at those dinner engagement. It is the informal nature of 'breaking bread' with another person that gives you a deeper understanding or trust.

But when language barriers exist, misunderstanding can take place.

As happened with this person, his English was good but certainly not his Chinese. His interpreter had a heavy accent and did his best to keep the conversation and translation flowing.

When each dish is brought out, sometimes it could be seen what type of food was before him. Other dishes were more difficult to discern. In these situations, when food is offered, it is typically not a good idea to turn down at least the 'tasting' of each dish.

One dish was brought out and the interpreter did his best to explain this more difficult translation. He called it (pardon the verbiage), "penis wrapped in vegetable wrap."

At this point, what are you going to do?

You see, not much of an animal is wasted in Asian cooking and western observers may shudder at what is actually very good food. Yet making the wrong decision could cause a problem.

Do you refuse and storm away in disgust? Or do you boldly go forward and try the cuisine because they have not steered you wrong yet? This time, maybe you simply give it the benefit of doubt and press forward.

The businessman just smiled, took the food, ate it and said, "oh, peanuts wrapped in vegetable wrap!" The evening moved on without any further incident. The business deal was sealed and the business partnership has grown stronger.

Misunderstanding can occur daily, you will feel offended and hurt at times.

In the majority of these instances, it is due to a communication problem between two people. One did not explain themselves clearly or you did not listen properly. All of this is simply a symptom of two people not fully understanding the other.

Throughout your day, give others the benefit of doubt and ask again, this time listening more closely, with greater care in understanding. Boldly go forward and find your way through the misunderstanding. Life will be better for you and those involved.

Stay inspired my friends!

Thursday, June 05, 2014

Big Change

"Are we big enough to shift our hearts and minds to accept change?" - Jill Sweetman

If we go about our day, living in a protected world; do we truly live a fulfilling life?

The idea that we can protect ourselves from all that might be bad in this world is to prevent us from experiencing all of the good that exists. To step out of that 'protective bubble' requires us to accept that it might be hard.

Change has a price and many people will never attempt to find out what the cost is.

While we sit and dream of big things and have visions of a new life, change is happening all around us. The world rolls onward towards new and exciting greatness. In stepping out and accepting change, we become part of the future...our future.

To accept change, we have to be "big enough to shift our hearts and minds" to truly begin the journey.

Allow yourself the ability to be big enough and realize change can happen. It will change your life for the better. Stay inspired my friends!

Wednesday, June 04, 2014

Throwing Stones

We can throw stones, complain about them, stumble on them, climb over them, or build with them.” - William Arthur Ward

Social media is a daily and common communication thread for a vast amount of people these days. Whether it be Twitter, Facebook or any of a number other outlets, people love to talk. There are conversations ranging from art, babies and cooking to politics, sports and weddings.

The level of talk can also bring complaint and disagreement. I have a habit of starting conversations to try and bring people on opposing edges of belief into a rational conversation. There are many more times when I simply have to bite my proverbial tongue when reading many of the posts.

What I really wish people could do is look beyond what are sometimes very zealous beliefs. Having a strong belief is a good trait to have. But having the ability to compromise and adjust those beliefs are also a very good trait.

Many times I see the stones being thrown with nothing but complaint tied to them. We hold so steadfast in those beliefs, that the stones we are throwing are coming from the house we live within. Sooner or later, the house is gone and all we are left with is nothing.

If we take those stones and build something better with them, all of us live a better life.

Stay inspired my friends.