Thursday, June 19, 2014

Time Passes

"God gave us memory so that we might have roses in December." - James M. Barrie

There is a simple truth to life that reminds us to stop and smell the roses.

This is because time passes us by so quickly.

Give yourself opportunity to enjoy many of the smaller and grander things in life.

Don't let your life slip by too fast......

Stay inspired my friends.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Every Little Thing

"Every little she does is magic." - The Police

We each have small moments, small gestures or small words that do grand things for other people. It is in the little things we do, day in and day out, that make a difference in the lives of others. Whether it be for a loved one, a friend or a complete stranger, all of the little moments create a lasting impact.

With that, here is a little tickler Tuesday for you as Linus from the cartoon strip Peanuts, performs with the Police.

Stay inspired my friends!

Monday, June 16, 2014

The Individual

"Individualism can never achieve like connection to a community of people can." ~Joseph Primm

Do we really thrive by ourselves in this world if we isolate ourselves from others? If we take the idea that we will only interact with others when we need them, can that lifestyle be sustained? And I am talking about a lifestyle in which you only take from others, but rarely give of yourself.

This is where the idea of staying connected to a community of people can make a huge difference. It is the idea in which you give and share yourself with others. You could refer to it as making a deposit in a bank of goodness. Eventually you will have an issue in life and need to make a withdrawal. If you never deposit into it, you will still find charitable assistance, but even charity can run dry.

The community of people, the bank of goodness, that I am talking about can be made up of many different sources.

It might be a faith based community of believers.

It could be a business community of shared interest.

It could even be the social community of people living in city.

Each of these communities grow stronger the more we invest into them. And this is not to say that the individual is nothing on its own.

It is individualism that provides diversity, varied knowledge and strengths when combined with others. But the individual will find it difficult to rise to new height by itself. A community of individuals that have come together, will lift and raise each other as the needs occur.

John Andrew Holmes said "there is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up." The individual has a difficult time doing this by one self. Being part of a community is like mountain climbing, pulling each other along; saving each other should one fall. Each of us pulling each other up.

Be a part of something greater than the individual. You'll see yourself rise to greater heights.

Stay inspired my friends!

Friday, June 13, 2014

Rise Above Yourself

"An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity." ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.

Each of us live our early life in the narrow vision of who we are and what we can do for ourselves. I am unable to tell you if it is a biological or psychological thing. What I can say is that I find it a natural progression all of us take in life.

After some amount of time, as the years pass, it becomes old thinking only about ourselves. Part of our maturing process in life is to get up above our own ego.

Or in other words, get out of your own way.

A point is reached in life where we find life is more about others. We begin to serve and help others. In turn, it then truly becomes about you. Some call it "getting over yourself."

I call it becoming a part of life, of the bigger world.

When you expand beyond your own life, your world grows in greater proportion. So much more will unfold before you, so much more will come back to you when you rise above yourself.

Rise above yourself and find a greater life in return.

Stay inspired my friends.