Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Follow Your Shadow

"Instead of watching the bird as it flies above our heads, we chase his shadow along the ground; and, finding we cannot grasp it, we conclude it to be nothing." - Augustus William Hare

Each morning, we arise from slumber of night where our dreams have been allowed to run freely. The endless movie in our mind in which we have a vision of something for our life. It is so real in dreams that we can almost touch them.

Yet we wake from them with the rising sun, only to let them float away like a child's balloon. Our waking hours cause us to concentrate on work and the everyday task of living. The waking hours also push our dreams into a quiet corner of the mind.

We may have passing thoughts of them such as the shadow of a bird flying overhead. We see the dream, but when we look up it has passed and is no where to be found. So we decide the dream did not exist. Did the dream really ever happen?

In slumber it seems so real. It is in slumber that we allow ourselves to believe the dream or vision can occur. Only in waking hours do we push it off as a shadow of something that doesn't exist.

Those dreams and visions can become real in your life if you allow yourself to believe in them. They are not passing shadows of nothing. They can be pursued and found just as the shadow has a real existence to it. The shadow is of a soaring bird reaching higher levels.

Believe your dreams can come true and find yourself soaring to higher levels. Stay inspired my friends.

Monday, August 25, 2014

If I Could

To hurt is as human as to breathe.” ― J.K. Rowling

If I could, but I have no words for my words feel weak.

There is pain and sadness filling the voids of time. So many hurting from emotion, from disease, from finances, from life taking a toll. My words feel powerless to heal those that hurt.

If I could comfort more wholly those that I know, I would.

If I could comfort with deeper ability to help, I would.

Many around us hurt as we walk through life. We hurt, we comfort, we live life with all that it presents to us. Will I be able to ease your pain as you have done for me in the past? Will we be able to chase hurt completely from our lives if we try hard enough?

With the pain of hurt I know the joy of laughter, I do.

With the pain of hurt I know I am alive with hope, I do.

For those hurting from finance, from relationship, from injuries, from cancer, from the pain life inflicts; if I could, my words would heal. But my words only provide a ray of hope, a chance to know you will get beyond the hurt.

If I could, there will be words of joy in your life.

Stay inspired my friends.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Imagine a Rainbow

"Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine and at last you create what you will." - George Bernard Shaw

Many of us grew up with stories of about a pot-of-gold at the end of a rainbow. We would search for the beauty of a departing rain storm hoping that the rainbow would touch us. We never found that pot-of-gold for we could never find the end of the rainbow.

As we grew older, we gave up imagining it ever existed.

Now you may think I'm going to say there actually is gold at the end of a rainbow. You are hoping I will proclaim that all we have to do is chase down the rainbow. It will be there we find our dreams will be fulfilled.

Happiness and success will be ours if only we locate it.

The reality is that a rainbow is simply rays of the Sun bouncing off water droplets in the sky. There is no physical pot that contains gold sitting at the ends of its arc. The rainbow is not where we will find all of our dreams and hopes realized.

Yet, it is in the beauty of a rainbow we can let our imagination flourish.

The rainbow is a reminder that things are possible in our lives. It allows us to imagine that a pot-of-gold in the form of happiness, success and greater good exists. Do not let your imagination or dreaming disappear with the fading rainbow.

Embrace the idea of imagining better things in your life.

Let the imagination of that rainbow be a powerful motivator in your life. Let the rainbow be your reminder to imagine more for your life. Continue to seek out the "end of the rainbow" for those things you dream about.

Stay inspired my friends.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Good Deed Indeed

Good actions give strength to ourselves and inspire good actions in others.” - Plato

You have an impact on the lives of others simply by your good actions.

Those actions might be in holding a door open. It might be in helping someone carry packages to their car. It might be simply greeting them with a smile.

Your actions are seen by others. You will be unaware that many of them noticed, but they did. As you pass through your day, others will take note and impressions will be made.

You notice others in the same fashion, influencing your own life; correct?

So when you do good things, when you set a good example, you are helping other people change their lives for the better.

Stay inspired my friends!