Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Look Whats Out

It is good to love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whosoever loves much performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is well done.” ― Vincent van Gogh

Have you ever needed to hear just the right thing from a friend?

Or possibly read a story to push you through life?

Well the good news is that my sixth book is here and it is called We Love, We Laugh, We Eat Fruity Pebbles. The title is inspired by words from a conversation I had with a friend that simply stuck with me. It contains stories to inspire and motivate you through your tough times or help push you to excel in life.

The stories may even cause you to enjoy a bowl of Fruity Pebbles.

While it took longer than originally intended to publish, I do hope you enjoy it. And as Navin Johnson said, "Things are going to start happening for you now."

Stay inspired my friends!

Tuesday, September 09, 2014

Capture the Moon

Love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation.” ― Khalil Gibran

If I could capture the moon for you, I would. But to hold the moon captive would keep me from experiencing a sunrise or sunset. These are the things we wish to hold closely but can not be held firm.

They must come and go.
They must be free to fly and roam.

When we experience a birth or a death, our deepest expressions of love are exposed.

There is ecstatic joy of a new baby entering this world. A grand and glorious sunrise that holds expectation of possibility.

There is heart breaking pain of someone passing into another realm which is the sunset on the here and now, only to be revealed as a beautiful full moon.

The stars, the moon, and the sun.
Our lives, our family and our friends.

Yes, if I could capture the moon for you I would. But I know you will always be there just as the moon. You will be in the sunrise, you will be in the sunset, you will be inside my heart.

Stay inspired my friends.

Monday, September 08, 2014

Vibrations of Life

"Every action of our lives touches on some chord that will vibrate in eternity." ~Edwin H. Chapin

All that you do during the day has a reverberating impact on people around you. Like a pebble dropped in the water, the ripples flow out in ever increasing circles.

Make those vibrations of life count for something. Make them be a positive force in the lives of others.

Stay inspired my friends!

Friday, September 05, 2014

Rain on Me

The rain to the wind said, you push and I'll pelt. They so smote the garden bed, that the flowers actually knelt, and lay lodged--though not dead. I know how the flowers felt.” ― Robert Frost

As we go through our crisis, that love will reign over all we are going through. As writer of this song, Peter Townshend explained, the song refers to the comment that rain was a blessing from God; that thunder was God's Voice. Of course there is more to this song in the context of the autobiographical album.

While many grieve today, or waging battle of many kinds, remember the cool, cool rain.

Stay inspired my friends.

"Love, Reign O'er Me"

Only love can make it rain
The way the beach is kissed by the sea
Only love can make it rain
Like the sweat of lovers layin' in the fields

Love, reign o'er me
Love, reign o'er me
Rain on me, rain on me

Only love can bring the rain
That makes you yearn to the sky
Only love can bring the rain
That falls like tears from on high

Love, reign o'er me
Rain on me, rain on me
Love, reign o'er me
Rain on me, rain on me

On the dry and dusty road
The nights we spend apart alone
I need to get back home to cool, cool rain

I can't sleep, and I lay, and I think
The night is hot and black as ink
Oh God, I need a drink of cool, cool rain

Love, reign o'er me
Reign o'er me, o'er me, o'er me
Love, reign o'er me, o'er me