Monday, September 15, 2014

Shifting Breeze

In the sweetness of friendship let there be laughter, and sharing of pleasures. For in the dew of little things, does the heart find its morning and is refreshed.
Khalil Gibran

The wind shifts and the season begins to change. The cool winds of fall are beginning to find their way across our exposed faces. It marks a shift in time as change makes us adjust to a new normal. The change is not something we necessarily want to go through.

Our heart hangs onto the hope of a continued warm summer wind. Of walking with friends along the warm beaches; of feeling free and happy in the company of those that share our summer. As the cool breeze presses down, the heart wants to push it away. The heart hopes for the change not to happen, but it does.

It is in our intellect that reminds us the seasons change, that everything changes over time. The earth moves in rhythm to time bringing the cold and causing the leaves on a tree to die but not before they explode in spectacular color. Everything has a perfect cycle to it, motion of the earth, the seasons, and time itself.

This is how time holds us in it's grasp. A battle between our heart and intellect, to want things to remain as they always were but always changing in perfect manner. We find acceptance eventually and the heart pulls the memories inside keeping them warm and safe. The warm winds will return, new leaves will bud in the spring and life will continue to flourish.

Yet what the heart contains will always remain. Time can not steal that from us. The cool winds can not blow it away. We get to keep it for eternity.

Stay inspired my friends.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Standing Together

Together we stand, together we fall, together we fight and fight for it all.
- Unknown

There are times of exhilarating fun and enjoyment in life. Friends playing cards while talking of events past and future. The laughing and cajoling as each connects with the other in a community of togetherness.

It is in those moments, those connections we forge a bond that will bring us through the tough times and the really tough times. It gives us the strength to lean on each other, to cry, to worry but also to hope.

It would be great if we could walk the same path forever.

We walk for periods of time with each other, supporting, carrying, encouraging and simply being there on the journey. Time, circumstance and life itself changes our paths and we are unable to do anything to prevent it.

What we can do is make the most of our time together.

To make them great times.
To make it time well spent.
To have been there for each other.

I sense the path changing and it increases my anxiety over what lay ahead. I have my friends still on the path with me and I will enjoy every moment with them. They comfort me as I know I comfort them. We each dream for a lifetime to walk together until we can no longer walk. And we know that our walk together will have been forged in eternity.

When we stand together, we may fall together but we will pick ourselves up and fight, fight, fight for it all.

Stay inspired my friends.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Look Whats Out

It is good to love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whosoever loves much performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is well done.” ― Vincent van Gogh

Have you ever needed to hear just the right thing from a friend?

Or possibly read a story to push you through life?

Well the good news is that my sixth book is here and it is called We Love, We Laugh, We Eat Fruity Pebbles. The title is inspired by words from a conversation I had with a friend that simply stuck with me. It contains stories to inspire and motivate you through your tough times or help push you to excel in life.

The stories may even cause you to enjoy a bowl of Fruity Pebbles.

While it took longer than originally intended to publish, I do hope you enjoy it. And as Navin Johnson said, "Things are going to start happening for you now."

Stay inspired my friends!

Tuesday, September 09, 2014

Capture the Moon

Love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation.” ― Khalil Gibran

If I could capture the moon for you, I would. But to hold the moon captive would keep me from experiencing a sunrise or sunset. These are the things we wish to hold closely but can not be held firm.

They must come and go.
They must be free to fly and roam.

When we experience a birth or a death, our deepest expressions of love are exposed.

There is ecstatic joy of a new baby entering this world. A grand and glorious sunrise that holds expectation of possibility.

There is heart breaking pain of someone passing into another realm which is the sunset on the here and now, only to be revealed as a beautiful full moon.

The stars, the moon, and the sun.
Our lives, our family and our friends.

Yes, if I could capture the moon for you I would. But I know you will always be there just as the moon. You will be in the sunrise, you will be in the sunset, you will be inside my heart.

Stay inspired my friends.