Friday, September 19, 2014

We Love, We Laugh, We Eat Fruity Pebbles

"We Love, We Laugh, We Eat Fruity that not life." - Joseph Primm

My latest book, number six, is now available for you to enjoy. Both paperback and Kindle versions are orderable and let me know what you think. My hope is that the stories will motivate and inspire you to have a more full and enjoyable life.

Stay inspired my friends.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Walk the Red Carpet

"The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate." - Oprah Winfrey

Roll out the red carpet.

Let trumpets blare your arrival.

Crowds cheer from the left and right while paparazzi clamor for your attention.

Could all of this really be for you?

Accomplishment whether large or small are worth celebrating, if only taking simple pleasure in feeling you have done a good job. Every little thing you do can be deemed a success. Every time you cause another to smile, to laugh or ease even their smallest burden is worth celebrating.

Many believe it takes the grandest of accomplishments such as raising millions of dollars for a charity.

Many believe it takes solving world hunger or any one of a number of human needs to garner celebration.

Most of what you do each day are worthy of celebration. By holding the door open for someone carrying a package, you have something worth celebrating. It could be offering a bit of encouragement to someone down on their luck. Showing up at your child's school to have lunch with them, to hold the hand of a friend in tough times and dropping a few coins in a street person's cup without questioning.

It may seem prideful or pretentious for us to declare the small accomplishments in grandeur. Others may consider it "putting on airs" (pretend to be grander and more important than they really are). Yet that is far from my point. I want you to feel good about the good you do. We spend way too much time beating ourselves up over the minor infractions. We should spend some time lifting ourselves up instead.

Life is worth celebrating. The good however small or seemingly insignificant should be celebrated. We should walk the red carpet once in a while.

Stay inspired my friends.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Roar with Delight

An injured lion still wants to roar.” ― Randy Pausch

As the sun rises over the horizon of a new day, the lion rises and stretches in the warming glow. It is another day, another chance, another opportunity to roar.

Rise my friend and roar with delight of the day!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Ride the River

Life is like the river, sometimes it sweeps you gently along and sometimes the rapids come out of nowhere.” ― Emma Smith

Life feels very melancholy these days as a good friend battles most bravely against illness. The strength of his faith is an inspiration to me and is an example for many to learn from.

With no promise and no guarantee of what your outcome will be, faith is very powerful.

Faith helps ease the many transitions we go through in life. It gets us through the harsh river rapids of circumstance we each go through. Some might call faith a way for the heart to trick our intellect into submission.

I believe it is our heart and intellect coming into agreement, allowing us to float more peacefully down the river.

Floatin' down that old river boy, leaves me feelin' good inside,
Floatin' down that old river boy, tryin' to get to the other side.
"Ride The River" - JJ Cale

Stay inspired my friends.