Thursday, October 02, 2014

We Will

We will walk until we can no longer walk. 

We will sit until we can no longer sit. 

We will talk until we can no longer talk. 

We will.

Stay inspired my friends.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Consider Today

"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." - Matthew 6:34

A verse that goes back through many ages but very applicable today.

We spend a lot of time worrying about tomorrow.

We forget to live what is at hand today.

An old saying goes, "Do not worry about tomorrow for it is already tomorrow in Australia." Rest assure there are folks already there worrying about their today.

Your future tomorrow will come soon enough.

Live today with the moments you are given.

Stay inspired my friends!

Monday, September 29, 2014

Good Things Happen

"If I were to say, 'God, why me?' about the bad things, then I should have said, 'God, why me?' about the good things that happened in my life." - Arthur Ashe

You have probably asked this in your own life, "Why do bad things happen to good people?" It is an longstanding question that really serves the purpose of wondering why things happen at all. As humans we have a never ending quest to understand why anything happens to or around us.

So when it comes to the question itself, bad things do not happen to just good people.

Bad things happen to all kinds of people.

Life is that way and it is within our human nature to wonder why.

As an example, a good friend of mine has been battling cancer. There is a bigger story leading up to this but certainly allows one to ask the question why. Through all of this, his attitude remains positive and hopeful. Whenever I ask how the day or moment is going, he gives me a thumbs up. He understands the reality of that day or moment, but hope abounds within him.

And with that thumbs up, I know not to focus on just the bad in life.

I am unable to predict the outcome of someones predicament, but I can learn from it. Circumstance comes with life, it just does. Even with all of the bad which seems to happen in life, there is also goodness occurring each and every day to people.

If we concentrate on just the bad, we will believe that only bad exists.

If we give attention to the good, then hope will strengthen and lift us.

So I ask you to believe in good things happening just as often, if not more, than the bad. Treat life with a positive outlook even when the bad happens. Let those good things in life be the greater focus.

Stay inspired by friends.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Figure It Out

"Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle." - Lewis Carroll

I happened upon an early morning Facebook status which read, "Trying to figure it out.?!?" It was a question that made me think this person had life questions to answer. Their statement surely meant they were questioning a decision to be made or the results of a decision already made.

There are so many possibilities one might conjure up regarding what is happening in this person's world. It could be good, it could be bad, but nonetheless it seems to be a troubling question to them.

Many things happen to us throughout our life.

Events and circumstances can cause us to wonder the 'why' of it all. A roller coaster ride sending us into a low spot or even derailing. The path we take in life gets challenged by these events. Each one can cause even the most positive person to wonder the same thing - why?

Knowing each of us will one day be "trying to figure it out" helps prepare you for those moments. It does not make it any easier but we need to understand that life is full of puzzling moments.

And life is also full of great moments.

Phrases such as "the sun will shine once again" or even the well used "...light at the end of the tunnel" seem old and outdated. In fact some people even refer to that light as an oncoming train.

While those phrases might be old and worn, I insist those statements do support your ability to overcome adversity.

You may not feel like it, but rest assure, life will get better.

You will "figure out how."
You will "get through the circumstance."
You will "figure out the question."

Stay inspired my friends!