Friday, October 17, 2014

Doors to Possibility

The art comes from an artist named Sifi and is titled "Doors to Possibility."

As the artist describes, "...represents the two poles or two doors - one is the door to the extinction moment, which mankind seems to take great delight ushering other people to and the other the door of possibility, the pole of potentiality ..all that we could be......"

Much like the age old question of whether the glass is half full or half empty, you have to make the decision yourself.

Choose the door of possibility and open yourself to what can be.

Do not be afraid to make that choice.

Simply make a move and movement will happen around you.

Stay inspired my friends.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Let Loose the Anchor

Sculptor Jeff Tritel

"For years I believed that it was necessary to keep going, no matter what. The burdens that life heaped upon you only made you stronger. The man in this sculpture literally plows through life, dragging a monstrous anchor behind him and having to develop Herculean strength to continue his unending task. I have more recently decided that I would rather stroll through life. This necessitates finding a way to cut loose our anchors, a task the gentleman in the sculpture hasn't yet accomplished. The sculpture embodies power and determination, although I'd like to tell him to sit down, take a rest and let go of the anchor."

There is a need for you to persevere in order to succeed, but do not drag along the weight of past problems or old feelings. Break loose the anchor and continue on towards greatness.

Stay inspired my friends.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Smile - Life is Good

"Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.” - Thich Nhat Hanh

For all of my life, I have tried to carry a smile on the inside and to express it whenever possible. But I have come to realize lately that outwardly I don't really smile all that much. It could be that a smile doesn't fall naturally upon my face.

My wife has that upon her, a smile that just naturally flows from her.

I am not one that feels plastic surgery or a painted smile like the Joker from the Batman movie is all that appealing. So I try to smile and reflect my inner joy in most all that goes on in life. I also reap benefit from the smiles because others will respond in kind.

A day is brightened by the exchange of friendliness, two smiles that lift the day.

Have you smiled today?

You say you have nothing to smile about? You have a lot to smile about. A new day, new opportunity and chance to live a great life. Stop for a few minutes, maybe spend seven minutes of the day to reflect. Seven minutes to bring your smile to the outside.

Spread the cheer to others.

Smile - life is good.

Stay inspired my friends.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Who Am I

I am seldom considered, although I do more to influence everything about you than virtually any one thing in your life.

I often control the time you get up in the morning, the time you go to sleep, what you eat and drink and the very thought that runs through your head.

I can make you either happy or sad, loving or hateful, cheerful or remorseful, congenial or spiteful and in doing so, control the very capacity that you have for success.

No, you don't often think of me instead you BLAME the problem I create on the shortcoming of others, or the state of the economy, or your family or a million other reasons.

Often at times unable to find anyone else to BLAME you look for shortcomings within yourself on which to lay the BLAME.

When my impact on your life fully is considered in your every thought and action, when you are mindful of my awesome power, when you nurture and groom me for positive use in your life, I can become more contagious than the most prolific disease ever witnessed by man.

My influence will spread to every person you come in contact with.

Groomed and nurtured in a positive manner there will be no person or obstacle that can stand in the way of my success or fail to be impacted for the better.

I am your attitude.

Stay inspired my friends.