Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas Love of Others

This is my wish for you: Comfort on difficult days, smiles when sadness intrudes, rainbows to follow the clouds, laughter to kiss your lips, sunsets to warm your heart, hugs when spirits sag, beauty for your eyes to see, friendships to brighten your being, faith so that you can believe, confidence for when you doubt, courage to know yourself, patience to accept the truth, Love to complete your life.” - Unknown

What a wonderful gift to give another person.

A wish for others to fill their day, to fill their hearts.

We makes choices daily on either to pull people up or to put them down. Pulling someone up is a much better choice to make if you think about it. Each day we have a grand opportunity to brighten another person's day. Every day you have the opportunity to make a positive impact on another person's life.

Make life better for those around you, make life better for you.

Stay inspired my friends!

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Christmas Saddles

"“There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up.”John Holmes

As we live our lives, we get wrapped up in the everyday burden of just surviving sometimes. It is an effort to maintain a job and just keep the bills paid. Worse yet, it could be your effort to find a job after being laid off and keeping the bills paid.

We each have something in our lives to contend with.

Some of us have much more on our plate than others but it isn't about your struggles being greater than mine. All of this is about knowing each of us have our struggles. And this common bond comes with understanding we are not alone in those struggles.

By reaching out to others, the power of connection will pull us up.

Before you know it "... you'll be back in the saddle again. Out where a friend is a friend." The world will look more manageable from on top. And when we receive help from others, we are also giving back.

Together we will ride that dusty trail.

Together we'll make this a great life and a great journey.

Stay inspired my friends.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Christmas Days Before

My idea of Christmas, whether old-fashioned or modern, is very simple: loving others. Come to think of it, why do we have to wait for Christmas to do that?
Bob Hope

Twas three days before Christmas, when all through the office not a computer was whirring, not even a mouse on a surface. The files were stacked on the desks with care, in hopes that quitting time would be there. Yes, a very quiet day at my office and many business offices around the world.

Many have taken the week off leading up to the Christmas holiday and those still working, the quiet is very nice both in terms of traffic and the general mayhem of a work day. The majority of mayhem is contained to the shopping malls and grocery stores as people make final preparations for the holiday.

In all of this madness, in all of this three days remaining before the Christmas holiday, let us not forget to have grace, kindness and love for those around and among us. Let us have a heart of goodness during the holiday season and throughout the year.

Stay inspired my friends!

Friday, December 19, 2014

Christmas Credit

"The fact is, nearly 75 percent of Americans who use credit cards make only the minimum payment each month. At that rate (minimum payments) you could spend the next thirty years paying back a $3,000 credit card debt and give the financial institution $8,000 worth of interest. It's the principle of compound interest in reverse." - Raymond McHenry

I hope I'm not too late with this post!

To all of those millions of people that use and live by credit cards, it is abundantly clear that we are prey to our own human nature. Credit card companies understand and exploit the mere fact that we are human.

Once you are approved for a credit card, which is quite easy to accomplish these days, they are betting on the fact that you will use that card. These companies are even more sure that you will not pay off your credit card each month.

This is where they make their money...interest charges.

It is those interest charges which begin to create a circle of debt that can make it nearly impossible to ever pay off a credit card. It is this constant debt upon which the companies make their money.

Now comes the rub, late fees.

Most late fees average around $34, instant profit to the credit card company and an addition to your balance collecting interest charges if you don't include that amount in your next payment. The pile of rocks (your debt) grows even higher.

How do you overcome the pitfalls of credit card usage?

Kristyn Kusek Lewis suggests these following tips.

* Remember a due date on your card statement is just that. A postmark date is not the same thing. Many card issuers impose ultra-specific cutoff times (American Express, in example, won't process some payments received after 12 noon in a customer's time zone until the following day), try to make your payment, by mail or online well in advance.

* One way to avoid going over your limit (and facing extra fees as a result): Go to the card company's website. Most will alert you via e-mail when you creep close to your cap.

* If you've historically been a good customer, it can't hurt to ask the customer service department to waive over-limit or other fees.

* Also, if your interest rate goes up, it's worth asking to have it lowered. A study by the Massachusetts Public Interest Research Group found when cardholders requested a reduction, about 6 in 10 had their rate reduced at least a third with just one five-minute call.

What I caution everyone is to use credit cards with care.

Do not overuse them and keep them to a minimum balance. Cash is always better but use of credit can be useful. One good way to limit the need for credit card purchases is to pay yourself at each paycheck (10%) and build up your savings. This will cut down the need to use a credit card.

Lastly, read as much as you can about using credit and creating a savings account. Knowledge is power in many instances and the more you know, the better prepared you will be to handle your finances.

Again, I hope I'm not too late with this post!

Stay inspired my friends!