Thursday, February 12, 2015

The Journey There

Success is a journey not a destination. The doing is usually more important than the outcome. Not everyone can be Number 1.” - Arthur Ashe

Each of us has the ability to determine how successful we are.

A man with very little can consider himself successful if he is happy and content.

A man with much can feel himself a failure if he is unhappy with how he got there.

So much of what we consider success is dependent upon you. Be successful in how you feel about yourself. Know that getting to a point of success is more important then the actual achievement.

Be successful in the doing. The trip there is just as fun as arriving.

Stay inspired my friends!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Be True To You

Project I’m Not There by photographer Pol Úbeda Hervàs (Creative Art Director, JWT Barcelona)

The shortest and surest way to live with honor in the world is to be in reality what we would appear to be; all human virtues increase and strengthen themselves by the practice and experience of them.” - Socrates

Be true to yourself.

Be on the outside what you truly are on the inside. Do not hide who and what you are. The artistic you, the brave you, the numbers you, the one who is you and not a false mask upon you. Let your interior become the exterior of your life. Bring who you truly are to the outside.

Be true to yourself.

Allow yourself to be transformed into the real you. Life will change for the better. You will spend less time juggling the two 'you' which exist. You will become you as one.

Stay inspired my friends.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Impressions That Last

I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” - Maya Angelou

When you pass each day through the lives of other people, it is the impression you leave with them which will be most remembered.

A smile of kindness or a pleasant word can change the whole course of that person's day. The same can be said of a rude gesture, impatience or simple unkindness that tears a person down.

Your actions can and will impact the lives of others. Many times you will never realize what the impact was.

Even those close to you, a spouse, children, relatives or coworkers; you will be remembered by how you made them feel. Think of others you have encountered, the ones who were nice, the ones who were mean.

They each leave a mark within your memory.

Leave a great memory with those you encounter. One they will never forget.

Stay inspired my friends!

Monday, February 09, 2015

Reaching For Success

"Do not fear mistakes. You will know failure. Continue to reach out.” - Benjamin Franklin

When I travel to various places around the world there is always an opportunity to speak with people who want to stretch their limits. They are working in a particular position or industry but they want something more. They will tell me of their desire to move up, move out or move on from what currently consumes their life.

They tell me of their problems in pursuing their dreams and goals.

I always ask them not what the problem is but what are they doing about the problem. I ask my question because I am sure they have a well defined idea of what the problem is. They have spent countless hours thinking about the problem in most cases. What they do not have is a well defined idea of how to solve the problem.

The reality is we spend a huge amount of energy concentrating on the problem.

And the problem still exists because we have not devoted our energy to solving the problem. The answer many give is that they are afraid to do anything because of past failures. It is true that the act of movement might result in many failure. Those failures can be hurtful; so much you give up on even trying.

What we never seem to give up on is complaint.

We devote time and energy to complaint while if we devoted as much time on solving the problem, we might just push through the failures and complaints. With each successive step we take, we walk further away from the complaint. We keep moving forward. We keep reaching out to solve the problem.

Reach out towards a time when you will be far removed from the problem.

Problems may appear to be a mountain that is insurmountable, but with movement you reach out and get to the top. The failures may seem to pile up making the top seem even further away, but they will seem insignificant once you are past them.

Keep reaching and success will be yours.

Stay inspired my friends.