Tuesday, September 08, 2015

Salt Of The Earth

"Let there be work, bread, water and salt for all." - Nelson Mandela

Have you ever taken a moment to think about the effect you have upon others?

Look around and see if your kids are emulating the way you handle situations or react to different situations. What about your co-workers, do they hide when you pass through a room or seek you out?

What have we done to or for others in our life?

The influence you have upon others is much like the salt which seasons the food we eat. It changes and brings flavor into the lives of people. A small sprinkle has an effect upon the meat. Any amount of salt will change the resulting flavor.

One can not eliminate the influence by using less salt.

Every ray of sunshine adds to the warmth of the sun as do the small things you do. Many believe it takes large acts of kindness to impact another persons life. But it really comes from the little things we do that impact another persons life in a positive way.

All it takes is a dash of salt.

Stay inspired my friends!

Friday, September 04, 2015

Alarming Alarm Clock


Morning is wonderful. Its only drawback is that it comes at such an inconvenient time of day.” ― Glen Cook, Sweet Silver Blues

If you need a new way to wake up in the morning.

If getting up in the morning just isn't your thing.

Or if you have some extra time...a lot of extra time...check out this new alarm clock.

Good morning sunshine!

Stay inspired my friends!

Thursday, September 03, 2015

Our Traveled Road

Never look down to test the ground before taking your next step; only he who keeps his eye fixed on the far horizon will find the right road.” - Dag Hammarskjold

The part of the United States in which I grew up was mid-western farmland. The landscapes was huge and wide expanses of corn, soybean and wheat fields. Farm homes dotted the landscape like stars in the sky.

To get from one location to another, country roads are on a grid of one mile squares which made it unlikely to get lost. This pattern of roads is like a checkerboard table cloth your Mom would spread on a picnic table.

The familiarity of home was never too far away.

Yet each road could lead to any place and each road could lead back to where you started. My early years of growing up were a series of these square one mile sections that would slowly expand further and further. One of these roads near my home always intrigued me.

It was a section of road which led down a bluff towards what is called Cedar Lakes and the adjoining Platte River. It was a slow curved dirt road dug deep into the hill with trees lining each side that seemed to reach the clouds.

I imagined great and exciting things awaiting me on the other end.

This was a road that generated great expectation. A road that would not allow me to see what was on the other end but a road, a simple curved road leading to the river which also led to something greater.

Each of us have a similar road in our life. It is a road to our dreams and future. It may seem like we never get past the winding curve of that road but it is a road leading us to our destination.

All we have to do is keep traveling our road.

We keep moving forward, around the bend and following the stars that await. You may not see the horizon far out beyond your reach and what you might see is yet another bend in the road. But your road leads somewhere. Be surprised, be trusting that there is a road to take you where you want to be.

Stay inspired my friends!

Wednesday, September 02, 2015

Supply of Smiles

Picture by Dj Arnel G.

What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity. These are but trifles, to be sure; but scattered along life's pathway, the good they do is inconceivable.” ― Joseph Addison

It is one of the few things you can give away at no cost. There is a huge supply ready and available. And at any time of the day you can use it to change another person's life.

The 'smile' is what I'm talking about.

This simple but effective gift not only lifts other people but you might be surprised at how it lifts you. So be of good cheer and smile. It does not cost you a thing.

Stay inspired my friends.