Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Single Ember #HolidayWeekRepeats

May 21, 2010

Abruptly the poker of memory stirs the ashes of recollection and uncovers a forgotten ember, still smoldering down there, still hot, still glowing, still red as red.” - William Manchester

A story was told at a meeting I attended by a man named Steve Bullen. Along with his wife Simone, they once pastored a church in North Atlanta before moving back to Australia. Steve was speaking to a large group of men about re-igniting their lives and a story of many years ago during a beach-side conference which always held a very large bonfire at conference end.

In the days leading up to that beach-side conference, the folks involved with putting on the event had built a huge pile of wood and timbers for the final night's bonfire. This was going to be a very large fire for those gathered. But as the conference started, the rains came. Rain came pouring down for two to three days, soaking everything including the bonfire wood.

When the final night came, the rains had ceased and everyone was expecting a grand fire. As you would expect, the wood was damp and the day's sunshine had not fully dried it. So paper, brush and lots of matches were consumed trying to get this bonfire started.

Then out of the corner of Steve's eye, he sees someone coming with a large fuel can; gasoline one would expect, letting the liquid fly towards the pile. It was estimated at probably two or more gallons of the highly flammable stuff. To no one's surprise, there were a few small embers from the failed lighting attempts still glowing within the pile.

Now if you have never seen what happens with gasoline; the fumes are flammable and all it takes is a small spark or ember to ignite it completely. An instant solar flare occurred which lit up the entire coastline. So bright that ships thought it was a light beacon. So intense that...well, you get the picture.

What one can draw from this story is all it took was one small flame.

One small spark or ember can change everything. Something so small and singular in purpose we somehow forget that it exists. But it does exist. It exists in each of us, deep inside where we have forgotten it.

That one small flame glows, just waiting for you to throw something on it. To let it ignite your life and explode into something great. Oh yes, it does exist and all it takes is that one small flame.

A small touch or a small amount of movement to change your life.

Stay inspired my friends!

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Overcoming Anything #HolidayWeekRepeats

February 17, 2011

"Fear is your greatest obstacle - so question your fear. If it does not serve your greatest life then do not make it your master." - Joy Page

As you go through life, there are going to be obstacles attempting to weigh you down. There will be things that try to slow you down. There will be people who try to stand in the way of your dreams.

Take the life of a man named Barry Pincus.

Barry was born in Brooklyn in the early forties and his parents divorced when he was just two years old. A tough start but as he grew up, Barry learned to play piano and absorbed everything he could regarding music.

His mother remarried when he was nearly 13, a man named Willie who drove a beer truck for the Schaefer Brewery. It was through his mother's new husband a whole new world opened up. Willie had a record collection of Jazz and Broadway musicals that vastly changed the way Barry Pincus viewed his world.

As he grew up, Barry Pincus made his way through the Julliard School of Music by working in the mail room at CBS Television. Like many others, he started at the bottom and worked his way up.

Life probably couldn't get any better for Barry Pincus some thought.

But Barry kept his dreams intact and there was nothing that was going to keep him down. Even after marriage and an emotional divorce would set many back, Barry Pincus ventured on.

He started composing music and performing at small gigs. He even wrote jingles for commericals to support himself and to feed his vision. Eventually he connected with a singer named Bette Midler and the two performed with Barry as the musical director.

Both became a very successful pair.

It is the name Barry Manilow which is how Barry Pincus is better known. He is famous for his multitude of songs and very successful performing career. He did much of this in the face of harsh music critics. Many called his music 'sentimental garbage', a tough remark for anyone to face.

Barry persevered in his dreams and remains very popular today.

Barry Pincus could have 'folded his cards' many times when others set out to criticize and place obstacles in his path. Your life will face many of the same challenges. But never give up, always believe in your dreams, believe in your visions.

Overcome the obstacles in your life and find your greatest life.

And stay inspired my friends!

Monday, November 23, 2015

Choice Is Everything #HolidayWeekRepeats

From March 5, 2012

"Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it's always your choice." - Wayne Dyer

There have been points, key junctures in my life which forced me to make a choice. Would I choose to be miserable? Would I choose a path to happiness? Would I choose anything at all?

All of us get put into this position of needing to choose whether we like it or not. It might be a choice regarding our relationships, our jobs, or even with our health. The choices will range from the seemingly mundane to those involving life and death.

Whatever the case may be, the choice still remains your own. Yes, you may not have chosen the circumstance, but you have a choice in how you react to the circumstance. It is your reaction that will send you down a good path or hurtling down a bad path.

In my own world, a divorce could have sent me down a very destructive path. There were choices and options circling in my head that could have turned out really bad for me. If I had chosen that route, I would have fallen into a really bad state of disrepair. In doing so, I would not have been capable of supporting my boys or myself.

But I chose not to take what seemed an easy road. I took the hard path of reconstructing my life. It was not easy but the rewards have been so much greater. I can attest to the fact that making a right choice in your life will create a much greater life for you as well.

  • Choose not to be miserable in your life.
  • Choose to take the right path in your life.
  • Choose to be happy in your life.

You will achieve great things with a great attitude and by making great choices in your life. It may look hard at first, but believe me the alternative or easy path will be much more painful in the long run.

Stay inspired my friends and make the right choices in life.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Simple Advice For Life

"The principles of living greatly include the capacity to face trouble with courage, disappointment with cheerfulness, and trial with humility."
- Thomas S. Monson

A book written by Billy Graham, titled The Journey came out in 2007, some eight years ago. In this book, the now 97 year old Billy Graham offers a few principles for living.

Billy is now battling the effects of old age and declining health but for the majority of his life he has been an evangelist having served as a spiritual adviser to many presidents and corporate leaders since before the 1950s.

He has also been a guiding light for millions of people around the world. A respected and admired man who helped to change the minds and hearts of many. There are many who agree and disagree with his views, including myself.

Yet I do believe he offers sound advice.

What he offers are six principles for living and I find them to be very good words to think about. To understand each one better, I would encourage you to read his book even if you do not necessarily agree with his religious beliefs for there are some very good common sense ideas.

Six principles of living as offered by Rev. Graham.

1. Make it your goal to live at peace with others.
2. Treat others as you'd want them to treat you.
3. Guard your tongue. Use it for good instead of evil.
4. Never repay evil with evil.
5. Avoid revenge. Don't be a captive of the past.
6. Practice the power of forgiveness.

Six easy but life changing ideas for living a better life.

On the surface they are simple but can be difficult to apply in your daily life. But if you take a moment each day, maybe seven minutes, to reflect and think about how these words fit into your life, you might start seeing a change for the better.

Make a decision to start today and change your life.

Stay inspired my friends!