Friday, December 11, 2015

Who Is Your Neighbor - 25 Day Challenge

The Bible tells us to love our neighbors, and also to love our enemies; probably because generally they are the same people.” ― G.K. Chesterton

Each day leading up to Christmas, I will provide you with one or two things to do during the day. Call them acts of kindness or call them acts of just being nice. Each will only take a few minutes and are very easy to accomplish. Try them and then let me know what you did and how it went by leaving me a comment.

Day One - Hope On A Lamp Pole
Day Two - Allowing Others First
Day Three - Calming Automobile Rides
Day Four - Picking Up Litter
Day Five and Six - It was your weekend, what did you do?
Day Seven - Smile, You're on Life's Camera
Day Eight - Holiday Treat For Others
Day Nine - Charity Begins With You Giving
Day Ten - Penny For Your Kindness

Day Eleven - Who Is Your Neighbor

For nearly twenty years, I lived in a neighborhood where many of the homes were pushed back from the street. There were no sidewalks, no common areas and plenty of seclusion from those around you.

All of this made it very difficult to meet and get to know our neighbors. There were those few exceptions and we made some very good friends that are still friends today even though we live miles and some of them, thousands of miles, apart.

When things happened in the neighborhood, it was very much like walking into a very unfamiliar place. It was our neighborhood but we really did not know many of our neighbors. We moved eventually and are slowly getting to know the people around us.

You can do the same thing.

This Friday evening or during the weekend, invite your neighbor round for a drink or a chat. Talk to them over the fence, walk up to them while they are out getting the mail. Take time to really listen and find out who they are and who you are.

We become a close knit neighborhood and society when we get to know those around us and when they get to know us. Try not to be that person being interviewed on T.V. when asked about something happening in their neighborhood. The person who says, I really didn't know them because they stayed to themselves.

Be the person who changes things and gets to know them. Let others in your neighborhood know you are there to be a friendly face walking or driving down the street. Be the person who knows your neighbor.

Let me know how it went and stay inspired my friends!


Thursday, December 10, 2015

Penny For Your Kindness - 25 Day Challenge

A penny is a lot of money, if you have not got a penny." - Yiddish Proverb

Each day leading up to Christmas, I will provide you with one or two things to do during the day. Call them acts of kindness or call them acts of just being nice. Each will only take a few minutes and are very easy to accomplish. Try them and then let me know what you did and how it went by leaving me a comment.

Day One - Hope On A Lamp Pole
Day Two - Allowing Others First
Day Three - Calming Automobile Rides
Day Four - Picking Up Litter
Day Five and Six - It was your weekend, what did you do?
Day Seven - Smile, You're on Life's Camera
Day Eight - Holiday Treat For Others
Day Nine - Charity Begins With You Giving

Day Ten - Penny For Your Kindness

I travel quite a bit on business for a living and each time I do, the Atlanta airport is my departure point. In all of my travels, my first stop after passing through security is to pick up a bottle of water for the flight.

Experts tell you that it is very important to stay hydrated when flying and when traveling in general. It is advice that I follow and have found to be very beneficial. This trip was no different, so I stopped for a bottle of water.

After making my purchase, a woman behind me began to complete her purchase and was obviously in a rush and was not a native English speaking person. The clerk being kind asked her if she had two pennies to complete the purchase.

To me it was quite obvious the clerk was trying to avoid having to hand her a large amount of coins as change. But she did not understand and became even more flustered by the question.

Since I had just made my purchase, without a moments thought reached in my pocket and gave the clerk two pennies. It was at that moment she understood and a smile came to her face. With a quick thank you, she rushed off to reach her boarding gate and flight to where ever it was she was heading to.

Thus your challenge today is to simply use the change in your pocket to brighten another person's day. You could use the coins or maybe even pull out a couple of dollar bills to pay it forward or in reverse depending upon your point of reference.

By taking just a few small coins, you can purchase the biggest amount of happiness for another person. In my case, it only cost two pennies.

Let me know how it went and stay inspired my friends!

Wednesday, December 09, 2015

Charity Begins With You Giving - 25 Day Challenge

"You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.” ― John Bunyan

Each day leading up to Christmas, I will provide you with one or two things to do during the day. Call them acts of kindness or call them acts of just being nice. Each will only take a few minutes and are very easy to accomplish. Try them and then let me know what you did and how it went by leaving me a comment.

Day One - Hope On A Lamp Pole
Day Two - Allowing Others First
Day Three - Calming Automobile Rides
Day Four - Picking Up Litter
Day Five & Six - It was your weekend, what did you do?
Day Seven - Smile, You're on Life's Camera
Day Eight - Holiday Treat For Others

Day Nine - Charity Begins With You Giving

Get ready for all of those new things you will be getting during the holiday season. New clothes, a new toaster and maybe a new clock radio. The gifts you might receive are boundless.

The question is, what will you do with the old and slightly used things? Will you throw them in the attic or worse yet simply into a garbage bin? How you handle these used items is boundless.

Why not take the challenge to take these items and donate them to charity. There are lots of great organizations out there to take your items to which will get into the hands of those less fortunate.

So go through your attic, your garage, your dresser drawers and closet. Find those items you have not used in over three or maybe six months. Make a pledge to take donate these items to a charitable organization.

Let me know how it went and stay inspired my friends!

Tuesday, December 08, 2015

Holiday Treat For Others - 25 Day Challenge

"No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted." - Aesop

Each day leading up to Christmas, I will provide you with one or two things to do during the day. Call them acts of kindness or call them acts of just being nice. Each will only take a few minutes and are very easy to accomplish. Try them and then let me know what you did and how it went by leaving me a comment.

Day One - Hope On A Lamp Pole
Day Two - Allowing Others First
Day Three - Calming Automobile Rides
Day Four - Picking Up Litter
Day Five & Six - It was your weekend, what did you do?
Day Seven - Smile, You're on Life's Camera

Day Eight - Holiday Treat For Others

This is the day in which all exercise and good eating habits get a break. Today is the day you treat others to something easy and kind. What you should do today is buy some donuts, cookies or cakes for your co-workers.

You can even send something nice to you neighbors, friends or even those people who daily enter into your life such as the mail person, security folks at your building or even random strangers.

The idea is to simply do something nice for others and what better way than through food.

Let me know how it went and stay inspired my friends!