Tuesday, January 05, 2016

Resolution Numbers

"People need revelation, and then they need resolution." - Damian Lewis

What do we resolve to do each year when a New Year comes upon us? The statistics are actually quite interesting as provided by StatisticBrain.com from 2015. My guess is this list remains fairly consistent year after year and 2016 will be not much different.

1..........Lose Weight
2..........Getting Organized
3..........Spend Less, Save More
4..........Enjoy Life to the Fullest
5..........Staying Fit and Healthy
6..........Learn Something Exciting
7..........Quit Smoking
8..........Help Others in Their Dreams
9..........Fall in Love
10........Spend More Time with Family

How many people make or never make resolutions? The other 17% are those who once in a while decide to make a resolution.

45% - Percent of Americans who usually make New Year's Resolutions
38% - Percent of Americans who absolutely never make New Year's Resolutions

Success rates of those making resolutions.

8% - Percent of people who are successful in achieving their resolution
24% - Percent who never succeed and fail on their resolution each year

As you can see, success rates are low and the majority of people have mixed results. Sort of like life, our achievements are not always exactly as we intended. We try and end up somewhere different after trying.

Yet is is found that people who explicitly make resolutions are ten times more likely to attain their goals than people who don't. Of these people, here are some success rates for selected resolutions people make.

47% - Self Improvement or education related resolutions
38% - Weight related resolutions
34% - Money related resolutions
31% - Relationship related resolutions

Young or old, all of us resolve to do something.

Here are numbers regarding success rates for two different age groups. I would guess the in-between ages have a lot of other things going on in life. Their results are going to be mixed.

For those over 50 could mean we have learned to adjust and the resolution we started on has changed so the accomplishment is different from where we started. Just a thought!

39% - Percent of people in their twenties who achieve their resolution each year
14% - Percent of people over 50 who achieve their resolution each year

Keeping to your resolutions is probably the hardest part.

Life gets in the way, new and brighter shiny things come along and many times our will subsides. Yet in looking at these numbers, I am pleasantly surprised by the reasonable longevity of many folks in working to achieve what they set out to do. The drop-off is not all that surprising either.

75% - Resolution maintained through first week
71% - Past two weeks
64% - Past one month
46% - Past six months

So here we are, five days into the new year and you are feverishly working on you resolution. And my advice is to be as consistent as you can but not to beat yourself up if you need to make adjustments. Life is not going to be consistent. Trying to maintain consistency is like trying to put a square peg in a round hole.

Believe, adjust and realize the accomplishment.

And resolve to stay inspired my friends!

Monday, January 04, 2016

Resolution To Start

To make any year, your year, keep it simple:
1) Count your blessings first
2) Whatever you did last year, Do it better
3) Go step by step, One day at a time.
4) Create/make your own opportunities.
5) Believe in your abilities at all times,
6) Quitting is not an option. Keep Going.
7) Finish what you started


res·o·lu·tion, ˌrezəˈlo͞oSH(ə)n/noun

1. a firm decision to do or not to do something.
"she kept her resolution not to see Anne any more"
synonyms: intention, resolve, decision, intent, aim, plan; More
2. the action of solving a problem, dispute, or contentious matter.
"the peaceful resolution of all disputes"
synonyms: solution to, answer to, end to, ending to, settlement of, conclusion to
"a satisfactory resolution of the problem"

You know what the word means.

You have a list of items to guide you.

You now should start.

Stay inspired my friends!

Friday, January 01, 2016

Lifting The Sun

Limitless undying love which shines around me like a million suns it calls me on and on across the universe.” ― John Lennon

The last sunrise of 2015 presented itself to me as I flew home to Atlanta from Boston yesterday (12/31/2015). It was a slow rising daybreak which suddenly splashed a brilliant light exposing a wondrous blue sky.

Reminding us that our world will be here long after any of us.

The magnificence of the universe carries forth beyond our short lives. For the short time we are here, should we try to live in more peace, more kindness, more lovingness? For all we fight over, nature continues to shine brilliantly.

The same sun and blue sky will rise on the first day of 2016. It will rise at the start of each new day long after I am gone.

It will shine for all generations after me.

May the sun rise in peace among us rather than in fury.

May the days always shine for you.

And may each sunrise keep you inspired.

Thursday, December 31, 2015

Auld Lang Syne Means What?

(Image credit: Emmanuel Dunand/AFP/Getty Images)

For last year's words belong to last year's language. And next year's words await another voice. And to make an end is to make a beginning."
― T.S. Eliot (Little Gidding)

The words to the song Auld Lang Syne traditionally sung at midnight, what do they mean? Those three words, Auld Lang Syne, which we sing in whatever voice we can muster at midnight.

Literally, they mean "old long since" or "long long time".

The "times gone by" bit is about remembering friends from the past and not letting them be forgotten. It is a call to remember old friends as time marches on while we concentrate on New Year Resolutions and finding someone to kiss at midnight.

We fondly remember the past as the future roars in.

Yes, Auld Lang Syne reminds us to remember and cherish our old friendships. They are a call to toast good health and good will for the year ahead. And with that, I give you your lyrics to sing at the stroke of midnight, tonight. (English version)

Should old acquaintance be forgot,
and never brought to mind?
Should old acquaintance be forgot,
and old lang syne?

For auld lang syne, my dear,
for auld lang syne,
we'll take a cup of kindness yet,
for auld lang syne.

And surely you’ll buy your pint cup!
and surely I’ll buy mine!
And we'll take a cup o’ kindness yet,
for auld lang syne.


We two have run about the slopes,
and picked the daisies fine;
But we’ve wandered many a weary foot,
since auld lang syne.


We two have paddled in the stream,
from morning sun till dine†;
But seas between us broad have roared
since auld lang syne.


And there’s a hand my trusty friend!
And give me a hand o’ thine!
And we’ll take a right good-will draught,
for auld lang syne.


Stay inspired through out the New Year my friends!