Friday, June 03, 2016

To Do Something

"How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world." - Anne Frank

Today is not a day to bring us down with bad news. It is a day to shout out to the world the hope of new things, of miracles, of comfort and of goodness that comes from everything we encounter. It is with this hope we move forward and accomplish great things amid the pain and anguish life presents us at various times.

Both of the following requests are for your support, in any size you can to help ease the burden the family of a nephew and the family of my fired are going through. While we can offer our thoughts, prayers and good words of encouragement, each of them can use financial support as they embark on their journey.

Please take a moment, click on the links and read of each and then act if you will in support of them.

Thank you and stay inspired my friends.

On May 22nd Taylor was injured in a very horrific accident.

Taylor was melting aluminum in his kiln, as he had done many hundreds of times. After the metal was boiling hot he removed it from the kiln and turned to dump it into his molding pan when a bubble exploded into his face, neck, shoulders, chest and upper torso area. He suffered 2nd and 3rd degree burns to over 18% of his body. Taylor has been very lucky to be able to retain, at least at this time, his whole tongue.

His eyes, however, are not as lucky. When the molten metal flew into his eyes he instinctively closed them. this also did severe damage to the underside of his eyelids. It is unknown at this time if Taylor can see at all, or if he ever will again.

As Taylor continues to remain in an induced coma in Swedish Hospitals Burn Unit in Englewood, Co, his bills begin to mount. Taylor is a homeowner and landlord who never fails to pay his bills. He is a hard worker and takes care of his responsibilities. We are trying to raise funds to keep his bills paid up while he is unable to work, to meet his insurance deductible, and to repair the damage to the home from a fire that started as a result of the metal which flew all around.

Please help Taylor during this difficult time and to get back onto his feet easier in the weeks and months to come.

Shane Kavanagh Tremper was born on Friday, May 6, 2016. He was born on his due date - 8 pounds even and 20 inches long.

Mary's pregnancy was smooth and without complication, but shortly after going into labor on Friday morning, it became clear that Baby Shane was having some difficulties. His heart rate was dropping with every contraction and the ultrasound completed that day showed swelling and fluid in his brain. In a meeting with the Neurology and Oncology teams, Mary and Jamie learned that Baby Shane had been born with a brain tumor in the left side of his brain. The tumor had done extensive and irreparable damage to most of his brain at some point during the pregnancy.

There have been many questions that are difficult, if not impossible, to answer. Mary's pregnancy was healthy and uncomplicated, and there were no signs of the tumor at the 20 week routine ultrasound. It is extremely rare for a baby to be born with a brain tumor and for it to have caused such extensive damage so quickly. The doctors have said the tumor could likely be cancerous, but they won't/can't do a biopsy to determine for sure; even if the tumor was able to be removed, Baby Shane will still have severe developmental, motor, visual, and cognitive issues due to the damage already done before birth.

There is no telling how the tumor will play out and what will happen, nor is there an estimate for a prognosis or timeline. There will be an idea of how rapidly and aggressively the tumor is growing once a repeat comparative MRI is done in June, but doctors are unsure what will happen before that point.

Until then, Mary and Jamie have decided they want to focus on maximizing Baby Shane's quality of life - to keep him comfortable, give him lots of snuggles, and to count each day with him as a blessing.

Your assistance by donating a few dollars is greatly appreciated by myself and the families.

And thank you.

Thursday, June 02, 2016

Spreading Out

"The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The next best time is now."
- Chinese Proverb

Spread your life.

Reach others.

Spring and summer are upon us.

New relationships can begin.

Watch and see how your life moves out in so many directions,
touching others and giving joy to their lives.

Coming back to life once again, each and every day.

You are the tree; Your branches have blossomed forth. From the very small and subtle, You have become huge and manifest.” - Sri Guru Granth Sahib

Stay inspired my friends.

Wednesday, June 01, 2016

So Many Sign Posts

The keys to patience are acceptance and faith. Accept things as they are, and look realistically at the world around you. Have faith in yourself and in the direction you have chosen.” - Ralph Marston

Are there multiple sign posts pointing you to different possibilities in your life?

Sometimes it feels that way.

You want to make a decision on choosing a course to take.

Yet you look for a path, signs leading every which way make the decision much harder.

But you must choose one of them.

Standing there looking at them over and over will not get you to where you want to be.

Choose one and if it is not the one you really wanted, remember where the signs are.

Choose another because failure is merely an education in reality.

Be persistent and have faith in your selection.

If it does not work out, choose a new one because life always has opportunity.

And stay inspired my friends!

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

A Journey Continued

"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give."
- Winston Churchill

His home appeared much more quiet then normal. Through the living room to the dining room and kitchen one could tell people lived here. There was proof of existence but yet no one to be found. For an hour he sat in the quiet of the house, contemplating what had become of his life.

Darkness had fallen when the lights of a car pulled into the driveway.

His wife had returned from some place, he couldn't remember where it is she had said. Think, what was it she had told him but the memory was not there. When entering the darkened house, she began to turn on the lights, startled to find him there in the darkness. Pleasant exchanges of 'how was your day' occurred but no warmness.

They were two boats upon the water drifting steadily apart.

He asked where the kids were and she reminded him of what had been said that morning. None of what she said could he remember. Was he living life on auto-pilot, letting the world around him drift by as he worked so hard to provide for them? His family was floating away and he was starting to see the last traces of his current life.

There are many different outcomes to trouble within a marriage or family.

Some people are able to work and resolve their issues. Some get the help needed to correct the wrongs. While others end up on the end of a broken relationship the complications associated with it. There are many avenues to a solution and how each of us conduct ourselves through that process determines our level of pain and recovery.

This man's relationship disintegrated and his life was falling in around him. Everything he had worked so hard for was gone. He had forgotten to live a life of giving to those around him. Not just money and things, but of himself to family and friends.

Now what was he going to do.

Even the momentary light of a partially open door did not seem to warm him anymore. Was this the end or just the beginning? All of us find a way to move on from pain and heartache. It is not easy and some take longer than others, but we do get to pass through that open door.

Keep pushing along, taking those daily steps, forgiving yourself and forgiving the pain caused. Talk to people if only to have them listen. Get the pain out in the open where the light of day will wash it slowly away. Your strength to survive and find a new and better life is greater than we give ourselves credit for.

Be more than a survivor.

Be a better person with a greater life.

It happens because I am proof of it.

Stay inspired my friends.