Thursday, July 28, 2016

The Secret Revealed

"If you reveal your secrets to the wind, you should not blame the wind for revealing them to the trees." - Kahlil Gibran

I really do like those secrets which are held until the right moment. Secrets such as a surprise birthday, a proposal or the birth of a boy or girl; the secret is then revealed and all is placed in front of us.

There are also those secrets which seem to hide from us. Those which never seem to be revealed or taught. From the day we are born, some are given the secret by their parents, teachers or mentors. For some people it takes a discovery well into their lives.

Than a greatness is revealed.

The excitement cast upon you by the secret comes first. It builds within and you wonder why it took so long to discover it. The doubt is cast aside and you see life in a whole new bold and courageous way. For you the secret has been revealed.

So do you want to know a secret?

Don't wait or be patient. Learn the secret and it will fill your life with happiness and greatness.

Stay inspired my friends!

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

A Fish Named Louis

"All there is to thinking is seeing something noticeable, which makes you see something you weren't noticing, which makes you see something that isn't even visible." - Leo Strauss

Several years ago, I was on business for a few weeks in India. At the hotel where I spent my sleeping hours, typically I would eat lunch in the hotel restaurant prior to meeting my driver for the drive over to the office.

A fish named Louis.

It was a daily ritual during lunch time that if sitting by yourself a fishbowl with a single goldfish was brought out and set on the table with you. Each day they brought a bowl with a fish named Louis. I know his name was Louis as his name tag was on the bowl.

Everyday a different card attached would be inscribed with an amusing phrase such as "Try the fish, I used to have a mother-in-law". It was meant to keep you company and if you wish, write a message on the card for Louis. My response one day for Louis was to write "Life is a bowl of cherries, but in your case a bowl of water. So sorry!"

A turn of the bowl.

One particular day something happened which changed my perspective. Sitting down for my customary lunch time meal, Louis was set on the table. As I was reading the newspaper I took a quick glance, acknowledged the fish bowl and carried on. I even ate part of my meal when the waiter came by and asked how the meal and conversation with Louis had been.

I looked again and thought...where is he?

The waiter looked and there was no Louis in the fish bowl. An empty fish bowl had been brought to the table except for the water and few pebbles at the bottom. I had become so oblivious to this friend accompanying me at lunch time. How had I taken Louis for granted, for always being there?

A new fish bowl was brought to the table and Louis was there this time. I firmly acknowledged his presence, said 'hello' to him, asked how he had been and then went about my meal. And before you think I had lost my mind, the point of it did not go unnoticed.

Do we tend to take for granted those around us?

I had become so used to this fish being there, that when he was not I did not notice. Can the same thing happen in our real life 'person to person' relationships? Do you fail to notice or acknowledge those around you? It is one of the worst feelings a human can have, one in which people ignore or fail to notice you are there.

What about the everyday encounter with people we meet or interact with each day? In your daily walk, do you ignore or fail to notice people around you? Think about it, you have probably walked past a door man for the fortieth time this year already. Have you said hello, sent a smile his way, or simply acknowledged their presence?

I have seen it happen many times and admit I've done it myself.

We look past those we might feel are beneath us, the low wage worker, the homeless and those we feel we don't want to be bothered with. Take a moment and reflect on I so great that I should not even acknowledge those I pass each day?

If you are doing this with those outside the home, it is probably happening inside home as well. You become complacent with the ones closest to you. You become complacent with those you work with or go to church with. And we miss each day the opportunity to impart some goodness within us upon others.

Improve and make their day a bit brighter.

I am not sure that Louis, my goldfish friend had much despair over my inattention. But you can be sure that your inattentiveness to others is noticed. Mostly by the person you love and might be overlooking each day. In Proverbs it is written, “If you wish your merit to be known, acknowledge that of other people.”

Acknowledge those around you and stay inspired my friends!

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Eccentricity In Paradise

"Every artist dips his brush in his own soul, and paints his own nature into his pictures." - Henry Ward Beecher

Amid all of the crazy news of political conventions, people killing each other, baseball uniforms being destroyed; a little bit of eccentricity can be good. And there once was such an artist by the name of Howard Finster from Summerville, Georgia.

A famed folk artist.

Howard died back in 2001 but his art is remembered both in it's style and commentary on life. Not long ago, my wife and I visited his last home and the place he called, Paradise Gardens. It has fallen into disrepair and in need of monetary donations to keep it alive. But to walk through and see his handiwork is a marvel. You can see he touched many lives with his art which fit quite nicely with the eccentricity that is life.

As someone said in a review of his work, "Howard Finster is probably the best-known unknown artist in America. An eccentric whose evangelical work appeared on album covers for R.E.M., Talking Heads and landed him on The Tonight Show."

God's junk man.

"He called himself 'God's junk man' and spent a good part of his life bringing new meaning to the phrase 'Jesus Saves.' His Paradise Garden in Summerville, Georgia is a scrap collector's heaven in which broken glass, rusted bicycles, and cement-filled 'tater chip boxes' fueled his artistic and religious whimsy."

For art fanatics and people who would like to visit the gardens, the folks who work to maintain the property could use your help. The Paradise Garden Foundation is an effort to restore and preserve the work of Howard Finster; meant to keep his legacy alive, promoting education in the arts and extending its enrichment through the unique spirit, setting, and message which is Paradise Gardens.

If you have the heart and willingness to be a part of their efforts, visit the website. Art lasts a life time and the memory of those who bring it to us can as well. Howard took a step to change the lives of other people through his art work. Take a step yourself and see how you can as well.

Stay inspired my friends!

Monday, July 25, 2016

French Fries For All

Service is a smile. It is an acknowledging wave, a reaching handshake, a friendly wink, and a warm hug. It's these simple acts that matter most, because the greatest service to a human soul has always been the kindness of recognition.” ― Richelle E. Goodrich

I normally do not remember dreams and am not prone to read much into them. But every once in a while something from it sparks a idea. I find a word or good thought that I can share with others is usually the outcome from remembering a dream.

Like a friendly restaurant.

My dream took me to a non-descriptive restaurant or diner where the food was good. I could have stopped there but everyone seemed very friendly, with a smile and caring conversation. The wait staff and short-order cooks were enjoying atmosphere as well.

There are many places like this one from my dream that each of us have actually encountered. From the earliest days of time up to today, these places exist in one form or another. A place where people are simply friendly to each other.

The french fries were fantastic.

This brings me back to my high school days, sitting in the local diner after a Friday night basketball game. A large basket of warm french fries sitting on the table with friends gathered sharing and laughing with the whole place buzzing with excitement.

A smile for everyone.

We each can share a basket of fries, a smile and a warm greeting for those around us. It could be in the grocery store line, the bus or any place you travel. It only takes you and your ability to smile and offer a friendly gesture.

Have a great day everyone and stay inspired!