Friday, September 18, 2020

Burning Fires

If the sky screamed colors of orange and red,

would we take notice.

If the winds grew hot and unrelenting,

would we take notice.

Nature's voice resonates its truth,

with years beyond our own.

If the forest crumbled into black ashes,

would we take notice.

If the birds soared with no branch to land upon,

would we take notice.

Earth so magnificent and wonderful, 

takes care alone in spite of us.

If we cried out from the smoke,

would we take notice.

If it all ended with nothing left,

would nature take notice.

Stay inspired my friends!

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Taught Me

In a moment of wanting,

I turned to ask a question.

To ask the man who taught me so much,

A man who taught me so much.

No longer is he here to tell his truths,

To give me the turn of a tale.

But forever as my heart beats,

He will be the man who taught me so much.

-- Stay inspired my friends.

To Fly

The bird so high in a blue sky,

No wings flapping, moving smoothly in flight.

The trail it leaves marks a path,

From one destination to another.

To see from so high, so very high,

A world so small, its largeness so immense.

I long for a return to flight,

To see a world I thought I once knew.

From feet in the cool green grass,

Gazing to see a bird so free in flight.

Longing for the lift to let the dew release,

Seeing the curve of my earthly wonder.

My flight will return, to soar above the birds,

To feel the air beneath my feet.

Rising above the noise and chaos,

To return and nest in the comfort of a lover.

-- Stay inspired my friends.

Sunday, September 06, 2020

Waiting At The Door

With the many years removed, 

Your gentle calming voice still rings in my ear. 

The comfort and tears you wiped from my face, 

My heart remains full of your love.


You always stood at the door, 

Waving goodbye until gone from sight. 

Seeing you there one more time, 

Is what I long for but will wait. 

When you left, we stood at your bedside, 

Knowing you were leaving for a while. 

We stood there waiting, 

Until you were gone from sight. 

And when the time arrives,

When my life returns to another.

I know that I will find you at the door,

Waiting for me there.

-- Stay inspired my friends.