Monday, January 16, 2012

Love Is

I would like to announce the release of my fourth book called "Love Is" and give you a little taste of the book. As you probably noticed, the book came out just in time for Valentines Day. It would make a great gift for a loved one or even yourself. I say that because the book is all about love and how powerful it can be in your life.

Most people will tend to seek the advice of experts such as Dr. Joyce Brothers or maybe even columnist Ann Landers. They will buy a wide variety of books, videos and listen to radio programs to find answers relating to love. Many will turn to the advice of friends. We use the advice of friends for a wide range of topics because we trust them. Even though the advice may not always be the best, we understand that a trusted friend has our best interests in mind.

There is another place, a book, that many people forget to turn to which provides advice on sex, marriage, friends, and a big one called money. This book has been a source of advice to millions of people for well over two thousand years. And the great thing about it? It also talks about love.

My new book will take you on one man's journey to understand what love is. I will tell you stories of other great love through out history. And I will take you to the book I refer to above and explain the greatest story ever told of love. It is a story that is well known and contains a definitive explanation about the power of love.

Love is everything that you have gone through and will go through in life. To understand love and grasp what it can do in your life is quite frankly, "life changing."

So order one today for yourself, your loved ones and anyone else that could use a little help in understanding the true meaning of love. Thank you for your support and stay inspired my friends.

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