Sunday, July 09, 2006

Life Of Spinning Plates

There are those of us who are always about to live. We are waiting until things change, until there is more time, until we are less tired, until we get a promotion, until we settle down / until, until, until. It always seems as if there is some major event that must occur in our lives before we begin living.” - George Sheehan

So it was on this particular day that he had spent time awaiting for the door to open. He always felt good by seeing the light of change shine through the opening. If only for a short time, he was recharged by being so close to possibility but never did he move towards the open door. Why did he not have the courage to change he asked himself.

A family, home and great job that he worked at feverishly. The all consuming job that he devoted so much time and energy to. The results of which provided for his family in ways that wouldn't have been possible had he not worked so hard. Everyday he would put in ten to twelve hours, staying ahead of work demands. Slowly earning more and being an integral part of the work place.

As he thought to himself about work, he kept trying to think exactly what it was his family was doing that week. I have to stay focused he said to himself in a hushed tone. Too much work to keep up with, have to stay ahead of the curve. Yet something kept nagging him, about his life, about his home and family. Where had all of the time gone?

As the open door of change closed and the dull flourescent light of the room returned, he started for the path. As he walked along the unpaved path, a few stones scattered to the sides an overwhelming feeling of loss began to overcome him. The work weighed heavily upon him but he headed for home. Home, so many unfinished projects greeted him when entering the front door.

The back deck sitting partially completed awaiting those finishing touches. An unrepaired ceiling joint and a broken window to replace were but a few of the items on what seemed a mounting list. Where were his children, his wife and the hum of excitement that he was home. None of them were there. Most days the only excitement they actually had was that he really did come home from work.

Where had all of the time gone? A list of unfinished projects and an even bigger list of failed attention to his family. But work, the work is important he thought. How else could he provide for his family and complete all that needed to be done. Like an old Ed Sullivan Show act of Spinning Plates. The performer had to keep running from one end to another keeping all of the plates spinning.

His life was like that, always running to keep the different areas of his life going. Long days at the office, rushing to get home for a school function or meeting with his wife and friends. Try to get some work done on a home project and do that volunteer stuff at the church. Running and never seeming to get ahead of the wobbling plates. It could be that his life wasn't all that bad but perception is in the eye of the beholder. Why couldn't people just understand how difficult his life was? Why couldn't people just be more helpful?

He was about to find out just how difficult life was going to become as he walked through his home. This was the beginning of change. Movement was happening and it was pulling him with it. The plates began to tumble to the floor with a resounding crash.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Take Advantage Of Opportunity

"It is common sense to take a method and try it. If it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, try something." - Franklin Roosevelt

There were several people that took advantage of the open door (see Life At A Crossroads from Tuesday, March 21, 2006). A door to the unknown but a door to all the possibility that life has to offer. Some were young with no fears of failure and the unbridled passion to jump at opportunity when it presents itself. Others were older with years of holding back but with a renewed passion to make a change from the life that had held them back.

One such person was an older, middle aged man who had for years left his dreams upon the walls of the gathering room. That dreary place that he so often came, only to shy away from the brightness that shined through that open door. Turning to walk back down that beaten and worn path that so many of the people used.

Every day he would come to the building, pick up his dreams and wait patiently for the appointed time. That time when the door swings wide with expectation and wonderment. Yet he always allowed stubborn reason to deny him. He had been living life the same way for so many years. Why change now, what would be the point in disrupting the steady pace of life. Sure, there were good things in his life and moments of greatness. Yet his and the life of others around him seemed to never get to a new level.

He tried many things in life, some of which he was successful at. His career seemed to be moving forward with a promotion here, a change there. He tried different schemes to make more money to feed what seemed to be an insatiable appetite that life had around he and his family. Though he never seemed to understand his attitude towards life was more important in determining the quality of that life.

The building near the crossroads was brought to his attention a number of years earlier by a friend. The friend had talked of life changing possibility by simply walking through an open door. Much like others around him, the idea excited him and how easy it was. All he had to do was walk through an open door. He did not even have to unlock it, turn a handle or push it open. Someone was there to simply open it for him to walk on through.

So he had decided to go and see what it was all about. When he entered the room originally, it looked like any other room he had seen in life. Many people were excited and moved about the room in hushed voices. Many were talking to others and to themselves for that matter. The conversations spoke of what was on the other side, to what will happen with those left behind.

Eventually he heard people turn their talk to questioning if this was a good idea at all. Placing doubt on the goodness that lay beyond 'the door'. He had to wonder himself and when he saw the door open, the light that shown in was so clear, so vibrant. It took him aback and startled him. He began to wonder if that was such a good thing. His life wasn't so bad, why change now.

And then the door closed, the dull gray light took over the room once again. He was startled again to finally notice how dreary this room truly was. The open door had revealed the difference and he knew he would have to return the next day.

But every day he returned to see the light of possibility shine through that open door. And every day he hesitated to walk through the open door. He always had his reasons for not moving forward in his life. What would his friends say, what if he failed, what was really out there? He began to listen to others in the room. The ones that were never going to walk through that door. Their only purpose he supposed was to keep others from leaving through the door of opportunity.

Yet he believed they had good reasons. He allowed himself to accept what it was they said. From time to time his arguments defending the life he wanted almost got him through the door. But he always allowed the others to hold him back. So with them he would go back down the weary old path once the door had closed for the day.

And then one day something changed.....

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Chart Your Life

The diagram is for you to print out and rate yourself on the six areas of your life. The wheel is patterned after one put out by Leadership Management, Inc. in 1991. It is a good way to start yourself on a path to a greater life.

It is simple enough to use as there are nine pegs on each spoke. The peg closest to the center or hub (YOU) is equal to one. The next one out equals two, so on and so forth with the last peg equaling nine. Place an 'x' on the peg at which you believe this part of your life is at. Do this for each spoke of the wheel.

This is not a contest but a way of comparing each spoke within your life. You will notice there is no number ten peg. Ten is commonly associated with being perfect and as a person that is growing and understands how life is, we know we'll never be perfect. We can be very good at things and strive for greatness - but it is balance among all of the spokes that is important.

When you have finished, look over each of the spokes and see which ones need work. The low marked ones are where you start. Just start is what you want to do to bring balance into life. As you balance out these areas of your life - and remember it is to have balance, not that all spokes have to be nines - things will work better. One part of your life can pick up for the other should you experience a down turn in another.

A great life is yours to have - balance out your life and experience it.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Staying Physically Fit

"Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” - Unknown Author

This last two spokes of a well-rounded wheel follow with the mental and physical aspects of our life. All spokes together create a wheel that allows us to achieve a greater life.

Mental and Emotional

The greeting is simple and most people pass on it without giving much thought to it. The act of someone asking, "how are you?" Do you stop and ask yourself that question? Do you really know how you are feeling or simply passing through time.

Every so often you need to sit back and examine your own mental and emotional state. Think about whether or not you've yelled at someone while driving. The stress level sometimes builds on us and our emotions can boil to the surface. Relieving the stress will help you to control your emotions. Don't let your emotions rule your life.

Find ways to ease back and relax from time to time. Then think about where your mind is at. If your emotions and mental state are tipping in a bad way, then the other parts of your life are effected. You don't perform nearly as well and life just seems to 'get in the way'. Work on this part of your life and if need be, get help. There is nothing wrong with seeking assistance to work out this area of 'you'.

Physical and Health

The last time you walked up a flight of stairs, were you breathing heavily? Can you do some of the same things you did a year ago when it comes to physical movement? Your ability to maintain health is directly related to how much physical activity you maintain. This year, my wife and I are participating in the Peachtree Roadrace. A 10K Run that of course we will walk along with most of the other 55,000 other runners/walkers.

Staying physically fit will help you keep your health longer in life. You will feel better and more able to function at a higher peak. All of us can use a bit more exercise and many find it difficult to find the time. It is certainly easier to sleep in or simply collapse on the couch after a long day at work.

If we work only partly as hard on our physical health as we do our job, the benefits would be tremendous. A quick walk around the block before or after work. Eating an apple for a snack instead of that candy bar. One less beer and maybe more water to drink is doable. Starting small will gradually build you up.

To do the things you want to do in life, being physically able to matters an awful lot. We as humans tend to think we are invincible but time and age do catch up with us. So if you are not happy with your current level of physical health, start doing something. Maybe you already work out, are you ready to take your health and fitness to the next level? There will be sacrifice of some sort to achieve fitness goals. Start with achievable goals, ones that are just out of reach. Then start today even if you haven't worked it all out yet. You'll feel better for it.

On Wednesday I'll provide a diagram of the six spokes that you can print out. Each spoke will contain a scale that you can rate yourself on. Then take it upon yourself to work on these areas of your life. Get the wheel in motion to a greater life for you and those around you.