Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Vision Accomplished

"Every great work, every great accomplishment, has been brought into manifestation through holding to the vision, and often just before the big achievement comes apparent failure and discouragement." - Florence Scovel Shinn

Hold on to your dreams and visions through even the hardest times. You may simply be right around the corner from accomplishing that which you set out to do.

Monday, December 08, 2008

Start With A Smile

“It's time to shine! So shine your shoes, and you'll wear a smile. Shine your shoes, and you'll be in style. The Sun shines East, and the Sun shines West — Griffin Polish shines the best!” - Griffin Shoe Polish

Andy Williams, at age 11, sang on the 15-minute Time to Shine show at 8 a.m. before going to school. the little advertising jingle for the radio show was a simple way to start your day with a smile.

How you decide to start your day is your choice and not that of someone else. If you choose to be dour as you rise from bed, it is your choice and only yours. By starting the day in a bad mood sets a tone that will likely result in the day not going very well.

If you choose to start the day with a smile, your mood will be better prepared for all that will happen. A smile does not keep 'stuff' from happening, that is life. Yet a prepared mind and attitude will give you the needed tools to get through any circumstance.

So take a moment, relax and smile! Your day will be better for it.

Saturday, December 06, 2008


Truly there would be reason to go mad were it not for music.”
- Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky

Enjoy something truly wonderful and different. Experience great classical music and let your mind wander to far off places.

Friday, December 05, 2008

Reaching Dreams

I speak of creating a vision for your life. A goal that you can keep focused on and move towards. A friend of mine does that with her music. She is a singer and songwriter; doing what she loves and staying focused on her goals.

Recently she released a new Christmas album titled "Snowflakes, Prayers and Memories" that is a perfect early gift to listen to during this holiday season. It may seem like a 'shameless plug' for her efforts, but the efforts of others and building support of another persons dreams is a very good thing for each of us to do.

Have a listen: Snowflakes Prayers and Memories by Marjorie Whitley

As you move through your own life, looking out towards a horizon upon which your vision awaits; know that there will be people entering your life to help. The people that come in and out of your life will have an impact. You have that ability to impact others, the lives of others that you move through. Share something with that person, help them along on their journey.

Tis the season and reaching out to others with love and support will do so much for them. What gets returned to you may seem imperceptible, but it is there.