Friday, April 24, 2009

Vacation Day

A vacation is having nothing to do and all day to do it in.”
-Robert Orben

Yes - nothing today as I'm on vacation. Attending a Golf Tournament, not playing but sitting and watching for a "hole-in-one" at the thirteenth hole. Its a tough job but someone has to do it.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Earth Is Under Attack

What was old is once again new. Back on October 30, 1938, Orson Welles performed a radio show about aliens attacking earth. It was based upon a novel written in 1898 by H.G. Wells called The War of the Worlds.

It scared thousands of listeners, mostly those who tuned in late. Each thought it was a live news broadcast of a real invasion. It was estimated by a Princeton psychologist in a study of mass hysteria, that 2 million people were alarmed into thinking an alien advance was happening.

Orson Welles said, "Radio in those days, before the tube and the transistor, wasn't just a noise in somebody's pocket - it was the voice of authority. Too much so. At least, I thought so. It was time for someone to take the starch out of some of that authority: hence my broadcast."

Now take a look at the social media outlet called Twitter. A micro-blogging application that is very popular. I myself 'tweet' quite a bit, almost to a point of obsession some might say. Twitter and similar web applications can be great sources of news informations, general information, the mundane and even breaking news.

But Twitter or "tweets" can be misleading as well. With the ability to 're-Tweet' other peoples comments, a statement of 140-characters or less can spread like wild fire. It is not that much different from Orson Welles radio prank. Think of where one person tells a story and passes it along; the story changes. But with Twitter, the re-Tweet repeats the same message over and over until people take it as truth.

You don't have to be skeptical to the point of obsession. Just remember to get the full story first. If Orson Welles were alive today, he might adjust his quote and say, "Twitter these days, isn't just a noise in somebody's pocket - it is the voice of authority. Too much so. At least, I thought so. It was time for someone to take the starch out of some of that authority: hence my tweet!"

Enjoy the technology that is out there, but don't lose common sense over what you read. For that matter, check what I've said.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Earth Day

Yes, today April 22 is "Earth Day".

Are you doing anything even in the smallest way to acknowledge our stewardship of the planet for future generations? Regardless of how one might feel about global warming, my whole belief is that its about 'quality of life' for present and future generations.

All that we do while here on earth is about stewardship in a reasonable and smart way. All it takes is doing the small things which collectively add up to large things.

Some of those small things;

- No-Print Day
Surprising how much paper we could actually do without.

- Turn off your computer while on lunch break
Saves energy and money.

- Use your own mug & utensils
Means less Styrofoam & plastics thrown away.

- Skip the elevator if you can
Less energy again and better health for you.

Sensible things we can each do, not only today but each day.

Writers note: The only hard part about posing for the picture above was holding my arms that high in front of a green screen while kneeling in a loin cloth. Really, I'm not kidding!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Reason

Believing in a vision is so important. So what is my reason for writing? After all, I try to be a good person every day. I try to encourage people as much as I can when they need it. Isn’t that enough to satisfy the motivational and inspirational needs of others?

It could be enough, but it isn’t enough because I know that I’m capable of more. My own vision is to inspire others to greatness in as many ways as possible. But to fulfill my vision, I have to extend my reach in as many different ways as possible.

Why is this vision the one I have many will ask? It actually forced me to think about it and to write it down. It also happened innocently enough when someone asked, "Why do I bring Christianity into my writing?" It was an odd question because rarely do I speak as if a preacher conducting a revival.

In fact I am always cognizant in "walking the line" of secularism and my religion. I understand there are many people that have different belief systems or non-belief systems as others may say.

In thinking about the question though it occurred to me that maybe it is the writing that brings out my Christianity. The way I write might be exposing my belief system to others. It was likely this exposure the individual was asking about.

There are two things that explain why I do this.

One is that my intent is not to "preach" and "convert" all people through my writings. It may come out in my writing, but it is what I grew up in and is a learned belief.

I am also proud of my beliefs and unashamed to say so. Yet I am not a religious scholar and in no way could I ever pretend to be one. So relax, I'm not here to lay hands on and convert the masses.

The second thing I want to express is that my writing is really about giving one or many people just a bit of encouragement. It is my way of saying, "sure, we all struggle and want a better life." I can not guarantee anything nor will life in general, but many times all we need is just a word or two that gives us the extra push to succeed or get over a difficult time.

But of course this leads to another question, "what am I selling then?" My response is that we are all selling something; a product, a service, a belief or ourselves.

But it isn't about the money, which in deed any money I do make goes to a non-profit organization. The money has been very small but the responses I get from people are really what I earn. Those that respond with a simple, "thank you, I needed those words today" are profit.

It also energizes me into knowing that I am doing some level of good. You see, it was the few simple words of encouragement from others that pulled me through really tough times. Each of us comes through change and it only takes some encouragement from others to push us through.

So my hope is that people keep reading and get some level of encouragement from the words. If it makes a difference even in the smallest of ways, then I am happy for you.

Thank you and remember;

"Believe in your vision, act upon that vision and then realize the vision."