Thursday, May 14, 2009

Spread The News

"Things do not change; we change."
~Henry David Thoreau

I have been writing for a number of years now and still take wonder in reading the works of 'real' writers. I have friends locally here in Atlanta that I know are classified as professional writers. They each give me encouragement to continue and improve my writing skills. Inspire and motivate others, that is the whole point.

Each of my articles is intended to provide a simple view (mine of course) of what you can do to live a better life. As we grow older we tend to allow negative thoughts of what we can and can not do consume our lives. We forget that we can change ourselves for the better. The place or circumstance we are in doesn't have to be "all there is" in our life.

If I can give you a boost when something has you down; give you some inspiration to try something different when nothing seems to be working; or give you another way of looking at your life when no one else will, then I think the writing is worth every word written.

Over the next few days, I will be giving you bits and pieces from my book called "Changed Lives", which is my second book. The stories are a journey into the lives of people faced with a decision. Each of the people made a change, they stepped through the open door and allowed themselves to experience possibility.

As a note to my books (available at LULU.COM and other online outlets), the proceeds go to charities that I support. These charities are geared to help others and are part of the 'ripple' effect I have written about many times. Please support me in these efforts and order a few books. Simply hand them out to those that need the encouragement. I have given out hundreds of these books and the feedback has been great. Again, it makes a change in someones life; it opens a door for them to make a choice.

Step through the open door before you, help spread the news, help spread the word of change.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Beautiful Rain

Rain showers my spirit and waters my soul.~Emily Logan Decens

It is all a matter of perspective. You can choose to be sullen by the cloudy day or rejoice in it. The following video is from John Poland and it is said, "Tears add to the rain. Happiness makes the sun shine."

Beautiful Rain © copyright John Poland & Stanley Rumm 2009

Of course it all comes back to, "is the glass half empty or half full?" I'd say half full and the rain only fills it more. So much is good about the life we live and if a little bit of 'Beautiful Rain' falls, enjoy the wonder of it.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Strength To Decide

"It is truly said: It does not take much strength to do things, but it requires great strength to decide what to do." -Chow Ching

Early in the morning, the alarm awakens us to another work day. Rattling our mind from the quiet recess of dream and slumber. We may roll over and take refuge in the snooze button for a few more minutes. Yet we eventually remove ourselves from the bed and prepare for the day ahead.

It certainly didn't take much physical strength to move from the resting state to a state of movement. The strength came in your will to rejoin others in the daily tasks at hand. It is the 'will' to do something that takes the most strength.

In every decision you make, there is a battle within the mind to either stand still and do nothing, or take a step forward in action. But as you notice each morning, it isn't the physical act of taking a step but the decision to take that step which requires strength.

When I begin a new book, I always battle the negative aspects of doing so. Will people purchase it, will people like the book and will they actually be able to take some measure of goodness from it? The battle of time and work involved sit like a rugged mountain in the middle of my path. Is it worth the effort to climb it one more time? But with each book, the will to proceed grows easier. I have reached the peak, seen the other side and know the effort is well worth it.

You can develop the strength of will by continually moving forward. You fight off the desire to remain complacent. If you do not, laying in bed all day will eventually result in bed sores and a not very pleasant life. Get up and move out into the day with the strength of your decisions.

The results will surprise you when you decide to step out in change. It is the decision which is the hardest part. The rest will seem easy.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mothers Day of Firsts

It is a special day for Mom's all around the world today as we celebrate Mothers Day. A day in which we get the chance to thank our Mom for all that she is and all that she has done for us.

In my life, it is the first Mother's Day since the passing of my Mom back in October of 2008. It is another of those 'first things' that we go through with the passing of a loved one. The first Christmas, the first birthday, the first of many, many things.

But my brother reminded me of all the joyful firsts we can look back upon with our mother. Each of you have the same 'first' memories of what you mother has done for you as well. She told my brother to, "never be afraid of firsts." The first day of school, your first fight, your first wrestling match, girlfriend, kiss and job.

Never be afraid of the first argument with your Dad, getting married, having children, grand children or even the first loss of a truly close relative such as your mother. There are so many 'first' things in your life to not be afraid of and your mother is telling you not to be afraid.

Even when your mother is not around anymore, her guidance will live on inside of you. Comforting you and guiding you in even more 'firsts' that will occur in your life. Take the time to honor and thank your Mother today. Let this be a 'first' of many ways you will show her the love and wonder that she deserves.

Happy Mother's Day Mom...we miss you but your constant love for all of us lives on inside forever.