Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Bring It On

"Study strategy over the years and achieve the spirit of the warrior. Today is victory over yourself of yesterday; tomorrow is your victory over lesser men." ~Miyamoto Musashi

The story of warriors can be taken in multiple context depending upon what fits the need. But in general, there are two ways to describe a warrior. One would be in reference to "someone engaged or experienced in warfare." The second refers to "a person who shows or has shown great vigor, courage, or aggressiveness."

In the context of what I write, it follows the second reference above to how we each engage in our own life. Each day we are confronted by circumstances which will either hinder or enhance our progress towards a better life. Of course it takes vigor and courage to battle the hinderance. It also take vigor and courage to accept or embrace the circumstances that will help us.

When we wake up in the morning we have a choice to make in how we will approach the day. We can cower to the possibility of something good or bad happening to us. Or we can stand tall as a warrior and proclaim, "bring it on." It is this second choice that I make. Whatever comes my way, I'm as ready as I'll ever be.

It will be with confidence in yourself to overcome or to take on whatever comes your way. Choose to stand strong and take it all on. Stand strong and loudly proclaim, "bring it on world."

Monday, August 02, 2010

Shine Your Light

"That's all a man can hope for during his lifetime - to set an example - and when he is dead, to be an inspiration for history." ~William McKinley

Each of us in some form or manner want to leave some relic of our existence when we leave this earth. There are some that may say it does not matter; that they have no need for people to remember whom they were or what they did. But each of us do leave a mark on time, large or small, and either good or bad upon the memories of people.

Those memories of what you did in life may seem meaningless. We get trapped into thinking that our "15 minutes of fame" that was famously coined by Andy Warhol, is all that we will ever get. The fame we think is the only one people get is either something grand or something notorious. That is not the case in most of our lives. It is said that a lighthouse does not have to fire a cannon to make its presence known. The lighthouse only has to shine.

The same can be said for you when it comes to leaving your mark upon others. When you live your life in the best possible way, you lead and leave others with your example. And like the lighthouse, you shine brightly for those still traveling in the darkness trying to find their own way.

Your memory will serve as the light for others to live on in. That is how your life will live on with others. Live your life by example to others, the good and the bad but always with the intent of living the best way you can. In this way, others will be guided to their own best life.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Breakfast With Salman Rushdie

"Finding some quiet time in your life, I think, is hugely important." ~Mariel Hemingway

In all of my travels, it is very rare that I come within ear shot or even see famous people. For all of the media exposure that so many get, there are so many others that are average, everyday people like you and me.

So it was with great interest that the man sitting one table away from me seemed very familiar. In my hotel in central London, the business lounge provides breakfast on the top floor for members. This particular morning I chose a later time to arrive.

With only three of us in the room, there was no particular reason that I sat near this man. The only thing that drove me that direction is that it was close to the television. It also gave me a clear view of the Thames River. Well then again, maybe I did have a reason for sitting where I did.

Something about the presence of the man sitting near me and his familiar face told me he was of some importance or celebrity. After a short while it dawned on me that it could very well be Salman Rushdie. Yes, that famous auther who wrote the Satanic Verses which became the scorn of many Muslims. So much that in 1989, Ayatollah Khomeini, (leader of Iran at the time) issued a fatwa or decree telling all Muslims to kill Rushdie and his publishers.

Salman Rushdie was placed under police protection by the British government. As of this year (2010), Salman has not been harmed, but it is said that 38 others connected with the book have been killed.

So my mind kept thinking and rationalizing his presence in this place. No body guards and such. But after so many years, I had to think he had slipped back into obscurity and maybe it just wasn't as big of a concern anymore.

But was it really Salman Rushdie? I never asked because I've always felt that there are times of approach and there are times of quiet. This seemed like a time of quiet. We both nodded a good morning to each other and left each other to our quiet and peaceful breakfast.

He may have simply been a person that looked extremely similar to Salman, but I'd like to think otherwise. That I had breakfast with Salman Rushdie and that we enjoyed the peaceful quiet of the morning.

Each of us need those quiet moments in time. To pull ourselves back from the hurried and noise filled life that surrounds us each day. A time to reflect on things that matter to us. A time to just let down our guard a little bit and not be looking over our shoulder.

Maybe next time I'll ask to be sure, but then it might disappoint me. Then the peaceful and quiet breakfast that I had with Salman Rushdie will disappear forever for both myself and for him.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Diary of a Memory

" the diary that we all carry about with us." ~Oscar Wilde

Years ago, a film came out called Mary Poppins. It became another Disney classic based upon the books by P. L. Travers. It remains to this day a favorite of mine.

As I walk the streets of London this week during a business trip, the memories of past visits come to mind. I walk past St. Pauls Cathedral and it reminds me of a song from that movie. The song was sung by Mary Poppins and is referred to as the tuppence a bag song. It was of the old woman sitting on the steps of St. Pauls Cathedral selling bags of bread crumbs to feed the birds.

I am also reminded of the cathedral's triumphant survival of the air raids on London during World War II. Truly remarkable that it survived.

And then I remember back to only a few years ago that my wife visited London with me. I see the places we walked and shared with each other and great memories flood back in my mind. She could not be with me this time, but the memories are here with me today as if she were as well.

One day again, we will share the streets of London with each other. New memories will be formed into the diary of my mind. Find your own memories and replay them as if reading the diary of your life. Live life well and create new memories with the ones you love.