Monday, March 07, 2011

Millions To Love

"If you want to be loved, be lovable." ~Ovid

In a city of twenty-two million people you can start to feel lost among the sameness of it all. You can begin to think you are actually alone while so many people pass you by. In moving through a crowd, it becomes easy to avoid eye contact with others. Especially when in a foreign land and unable to understand the language, you want to close down.

What I found though was the more I opened up, the more smiles I got in return. The same tends to happen with any one and any place you go. If you open up your heart to people, you may find them opening up to you.

But start at home, with your family, your friends and those close by. In time you will find others opening up to you. We can hate each other or we can love to be around each other. Like the huge number of bicycles to ride in this mega huge city, the same number of people are out there to love. Why not get on that bicycle and start pedaling. You may just find a whole lot of love waiting for you.

For me it starts with one person, my wife. It all gets bigger from there.

Friday, March 04, 2011

For Every Nickel

"A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new." ~Albert Einstein

If I had a nickel for every mistake I have made in life, my riches would be boundless. And without those mistakes, I would not be nearly the person I am today.

We all make mistakes at one point or another in our life. some of us make a lot of them while others seem to have a perfect track record. The amount of mistakes is not what is important though. It is how you handle those mistakes which is important.

If you never learn or grow from a mistake, then it is the mistakes which control your life. But with each misstep or failure, if something new is learned then it only improves your life. It puts you closer to a greater life. Certainly it can feel like one step forward and two steps back. But in reality a mistake is just the opposite.

One step back and two steps forward should become your way of thinking. Learn from those mistakes and try to never repeat them. You will of course repeat mistakes from time to time. Again its all about using those mistakes to move your life forward.

Maybe now is the time to put a nickel in a jar for all the mistakes you make. Allow those mistakes to add up in your favor. A jar full of nickels is not a jar full of mistakes, but a jar full of life.

Thursday, March 03, 2011

Burning Bright

"People who work together will win, whether it be against complex football defenses, or the problems of modern society." ~Vince Lombardi

There is a lamp on the desk where I am writing this article. A long chrome lamp that uses an LED bulb. This type of bulb is one of those in which several, thirty-six in fact because I counted them (inside joke for those that know me).

What interested me was that I could take my finger and cover any one of those LEDs and the light still shined brightly on the desk. So I tried covering several and the overall light remained very good. I could even touch each of them individually without burning my finger.

Try covering an older incandescent bulb, or touch it for that matter. The older light bulbs burned very hot, used a lot of energy and burned out in a short amunt of time. The LED bulbs together burn cool, use less energy and last much longer.

Sort of an example that working together can benefit the individual as much as the entire group. With everyone working as one, the light of success can still shine through.

The world has problems from global sized events down to the smallest of personal strife. When we work collectively on these issues, we can overcome them. We can solve things by working together.

The light will burn longer, brighter and cooler then any single individual bulb. Be part of a larger solution in life and make it a greater life.

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Miracle of a new Day

"The miracle is not to fly in the air, or to walk on the water, but to walk on the earth." ~Chinese Proverb

The sun has come up and the fog begins to burn away as life awakens to a new day. Fresh coffee brews and the smell of breakfast emanates from the kitchen. The activity of this day comes to life and a new miracle begins.

Life gives us this miracle each and every day. Its a chance to experience the greatness of our lives. Its a chance to experience the miracle of a new day.

Get up and walk the earth. Get up and live the miracle.