Monday, May 02, 2011

Flip a Coin

"In the final analysis there is no other solution to man's progress but the day's honest work, the day's honest decision, the day's generous utterances, and the day's good deed." -Clare Boothe Luce

There is a character in the Batman comic series called "Two Face" whom is torn between good and evil. In his tortured life he believes in chance and his victims fate is determined by the flip of a coin.

The thought that we could live our lives to chance is not something I would subscribe to. We are certainly bound by circumstance in life. There are also those things over which we have no control. But the decisions we make in life impact our lives so much more.

What if each morning you arose from bed and decided your attitude for the day simply by the flip of a coin. Heads means you will enjoy the day and be of good spirit. Tails and you will be that rotten mean individual that each of us have encountered before.

A flip of the coin and the decision is to view the day as being a bad one. A flip of the coin and we will enjoy the day and the challenges we face. A flip of the coin to determine our life.

Don't leave your day, your week, or your life to chance. Make the decision to have a great life, a positive life, a happy life. The decision is yours to make, not the flip of the coin.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Flying High

Given angel's wings, where might you fly?
In what sweet heaven might you find your love?
Unwilling to be bound, where might you move,
Lost between the wonder and the why?

~Nicholas Gordon

The cruising altitude of a large commercial airline is anywhere from 23,000 to 41,000 feet above sea level. It varies based on a lot of conditions. Westbound flights will travel in the even numbered altitudes and of course eastbound the odd numbered.

I find it amazing to this day that such a large aircraft can lift off the ground. In example, a Boeing 757 weighs in around 240,000 pounds and achieves lift at 160 miles per hour. It just amazes me but the laws of aerodynamics were never my strong suit in school.

Flying high above the clouds always tends to inspire me. It reminds me of how much achievement we have the potential for. The "sky is the limit" can reveal itself while viewing the pillow top clouds. All one has to do is turn your eyes up to see infinite space.

Our lives have potential beyond the tallest skyscrapers. We can go higher then the clouds into the thin air and vastness of space. All it takes is movement in our life. All it takes is removing the gravity of self doubt we place upon ourselves.

Believe in your ability to soar higher. The view is wonderful, the feeling is even greater. Fly higher then you have ever imagined in your life.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Goals on Fire

"Success isn't a result of spontaneous combustion. You must set yourself on fire." -Arnold H. Glasow

Each day people sit in a chair waiting for something to happen. It might be the couch in front of their television. It might be the office chair in front of their computer. Others may even sit in a lounge chair out on the patio.

Each person is waiting for change to happen. They are awaiting the moment when opportunity and greatness happens to them. But the wait will be a long and lonesome wait.

For change to happen or even opportunity, you have to get out there and create it. You have to "set yourself on fire" in wanting change to happen. One of my favorite sayings is that change requires movement and that movement begins with one step.

You have the ability to achieve great things in life. You also have the ability to get up and start moving. You have the ability to ignite a flame inside. Once the flame is lit, the darkness will begin to fade into your light. And this light will reveal possibilities that never would have been seen in the blinding darkness.

Light a fire inside, create change and achieve great things in your life. You have the ability to do it, you have the ability to burn bright.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Top of the Hill

Jack and Jill went up the hill
To fetch a pail of water.
Jack fell down and broke his crown,
And Jill came tumbling after.
Up Jack got, and home did trot,
As fast as he could caper,
To old Dame Dob, who patched his nob
With vinegar and brown paper.

The nursery rhyme above is a popular one, told time and time again to small children for hundreds of years. I always wondered if Jack or even Jill for that matter ever made it to the top of the hill.

It is never all that easy to make it up the hill in our own life. There could be 1070 steps to take, maybe even a slippery path that slows us down. But do we keep trying to reach the top?

For me, I like to think that both Jack and Jill eventually made it up that hill. From there they could see great and wide views of the life they have. I would imagine it to be quite a stunning picture that they see.

Each of us have our own hill or hills to climb. And from time to time we are going to fall back down and break our crown. And each of those times, you are going to get back to your feet and start back up the hill. You're going to make it eventually. You're going to see wondrous things. You're going to be on top of that hill.

Keep trying, keep climbing, never give up.