Friday, September 30, 2011

Charting Our Attitude

Here we are at the end of the week. I have had good success in working on my manuscript and sharing one last older post with you. Here from May 12, 2006 is "Charting Your Attitude".

Billy Graham once said, "we do not understand the intricate pattern of the stars in their courses, but we know that He who created them does and that just as surely as He guides them, He is charting a safe course for us." The quote is one mans vision of how we can face an uncertain future. It is a tough thing to go through when it is yourself facing bad times.

Those low spots in your life can always be countered by thinking of those high spots in life. The next thing you can do is one small positive thing. Smile at someone you pass on the street, open a door for another or maybe help out another individual in some small way. The things you do in a positive way will build upon itself. And keeping your attitude strong in spite of down times is of utmost importance.

As you work your way through this, listen to others and know that many are their to help you through these times. Surround yourself with these people not to pour your problems on but to help build yourself up. Many of us have been through the valley and know of your pain. A safe course is being charted for you, read the signs and follow it to a better life.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Sweeping The Street

As we continue sharing some older posts, last weekend my wife and I fixed up the area around our mail box. With the dirt and mess, we ended up having to sweep the street. It reminded me of a favorite of mine by the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.

If a man is called to be a street sweeper
He should sweep streets even as Michelangelo painted
Or Beethoven composed music
Or Shakespeare wrote poetry

He should sweep streets so well
That all the hosts of heaven and earth
Will pause to say
Here lived a great street sweeper
Who did his job well

~Martin Luther King, Jr~

This is one of my favorite quotes that I share with you today. You can make a difference every day simply by doing what you do, to the best ability that you can.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Where You Going

This week, still sharing some older posts. In keeping with OLDER posts and that it just so happens to be my brother Jim's birthday today, here is one from September 28, 2010 titled "Light of Life".

Happy Birthday Jim!

And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years.” ~Abraham Lincoln

All of life is actually pretty grand when you think about it. An amazing biological wonder is what happens from conception to death. Sometimes it is very difficult to comprehend the immensity of what must happen for life to exist.

And then I turn to my beliefs and know that anything is possible. The big bang theory, Adam and Eve, evolution, and how they get the peanut butter inside the Reese's Peanut Butter Cup; life gives us enormous possibility. Darkness can turn into light with the blink of an eye. That light becomes you and shines from within you as well.

So as we celebrate my brother Jim's birthday today, think about how amazing your own life is. Then consider all of the possibility life has to offer you. Enjoy life, live life to your greatest potential and allow the light of your life to shine.

Happy Birthday Jim.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Rolling It Up The Hill

This week we are sharing some older posts that received attention by many of my readers. Here is one from July 28, 2010 titled "Journey Onward".

"The will to persevere is often the difference between failure and success." ~David Sarnoff

In Greek mythology Sisyphus was a king whom was punished by being made to roll a huge rock up a hill, only to watch it roll back down. He repeats this throughout eternity.

The shear will to keep performing this task has many different meanings but maybe it is in the struggle itself towards greatness that is enough to fill your heart. In other words, maybe it is the journey that should be enjoyed.

We persevere throughout our life to reach a goal, dream or final destination in life. What we fail to do many times is to enjoy that wide spectrum of activity between starting and achieving. It can be in the doing of life that provides us with the most enlightenment and enjoyment.

The achievement itself is wonderful but many times it simply becomes another step to something even greater. The journey continues beyond the achievement and it is perseverance that will keep us moving forward.

Enjoy your journey and persevere throughout the process which will be difficult at times. Achievement will only be temporary, the real reward is in the journey itself.