Monday, May 26, 2014

Today We Honor

"The willingness with which our young people are likely to serve in any war, no matter how justified, shall be directly proportional to how they perceive the Veterans of earlier wars were treated and appreciated by their nation." - President George Washington

The day begins with gnats biting at their faces while they stand in formation awaiting the days orders. It is in the same early morning light of a hot and humid place that they train. The long ruck marches through the lifting fog only to meet up with the blistering sun.

These are the men and women of our military who train and prepare while we make our morning coffee. As the rush hour traffic frustrates our commute, two or more hours have passed for military personnel. In fact, the military never sleeps in protecting our ability to wave a flag, argue left or right, and dance our nights away.

I have known many that served their country. Some were once young, others are still young. All them of them, proud and brave. Their names are not in the great books and movies we each have read or watched. There are no statues bearing their likeness in the town square nor portraits upon the walls of government buildings.

Yet each one remains as brave and heroic as any medal given.

Each of them served during time of war.
Each of them I respect and admire.
Each of them are my heroes.

Ralph Gale: WW-I
Lawrence Primm: WW-II
Paul Schmidt: WW-II
Arnold Gale: WW-II / Korean
Jerry Perkins: Vietnam
Gerald Primm: Vietnam
John Primm: Vietnam
Roy Carter: Vietnam
Brian Smalley: Gulf War I
Joseph Schmidt: Gulf War I
Daniel Primm: Iraq

And there are many others that would fill days upon days to honor each and everyone. Many that served during times of conflict and during times of peace. Each placing their lives into service of others. And many more that gave their life in defense, honor and service to our country.

Today we honor those that train in the early morning fog. We honor those that protect our freedoms. We honor those that have sacrificed so that others may live in freedom. On this day, Memorial Day in the United States we remember the men and women who died while serving in our country's armed forces.

Thank you brave and gallant warriors. Thank you for each and every moment given.

Stay inspired my friends.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Expect It

There is no medicine like hope, no incentive so great, and no tonic so powerful as expectation of something better tomorrow.” - Orison Swett Marden

Expectation - as defined by the Merriam-Webster Dictionary is;

Main Entry: ex·pec·ta·tion
Pronunciation: ek - spek - tā-shən
Function: noun
Date: 1540

1: the act or state of expecting : anticipation

2 a: something expected b: basis for expecting : assurance c: prospects of inheritance —usually used in plural

3: the state of being expected

4 a: expectancy b: expected value

The 'act or state of expecting' of something different or 'anticipation' of something that could happen in your life. Each of us should and do have expectations of an event or change happening for us. And each of us should have anticipation of change occurring; it is why you dream and set goals in your life.

So many times we set these goals or dream of something grand, only to never take it the next step. That step is 'expecting' greatness will happen by speaking into your own thoughts; by believing you will accomplish it. Of course you will never achieve just by saying you want something and it magically appears.

But if you don't believe or 'expect' it to happen, you will never step towards attempting to capture it.

Think of those that play the lottery. "Your actual odds of winning the lottery depend on where you play, but single state lotteries usually have odds of about 18 million to 1 while multiple state lotteries have odds as high as 120 million to 1." There are those who say, "you have no chance at all unless you actually play."

The same is true for achieving goals or a vision of success. And without expectation that something will occur, without stepping out towards change, nothing will occur. Simply put, you will not achieve anything if you do not expect to achieve it and by stepping out in change.

Expect greater things for your self, expect that you will achieve more in your life. Then step out and cause movement in your life.

Stay inspired my friends!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Wide Sky

Sometimes I go about pitying myself, And all the while I am being carried across the sky, By beautiful clouds.” - Unknown

When the day seems to be going wrong in every aspect, remind yourself about the beauty of nature. Think of all that is right in this world and let yourself be carried away from a troubled mind.

The picture above was taken near the Ashfall Fossil Beds close to the city of Royal, Nebraska. The area was formed some 12 million years ago when a volcano in southwest Idaho spread a blanket of ash over a very large area. One or two feet of this powdered glass covered the flat savannah-like grasslands of northeastern Nebraska.

The landscape lays out in front of you in a wide vista of possibility. The wonderful sky above this expanse of land is quite beautiful and also covers the wide open space in other parts of Nebraska.

Take delight in the wondrous things that nature can offer to us.

They are like gifts to us which can brighten our day.

Stay inspired my friends.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Spring Away

"Behold, my friends, the spring is come; the earth has gladly received the embraces of the sun, and we shall soon see the results of their love!" ~Sitting Bull

There is a childrens poem that goes, "April showers bring May flowers, that is what they say. But if all the showers turned to flowers, we’d have quite a colourful day!" A playful look at new hope and possibility after a long, cold winter.

Spring is but a reminder that possibility exists for each of us. An earthly reminder that change can happen in our life. Yet this possibility exists with each new morning whether it be spring, summer, autumn or winter.

Never lose a single day to step forward in greatness. Never lose a single day to create a great life. Never stop treating each day of your life like its spring.

Stay inspired my friends!