Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Mark Creath - A Friend

Friendship is born at that moment when one man says to another: "What! You too? I thought that no one but myself . . ."” ― C.S. Lewis

This week I have decided to post only one article in honor of a good friend. A friend that meant so much to me, did so much for me and taught me so much about life. For me, he did these things but also for many others.

Like so many others, I hurt but am joyful for Mark.

I could write many stories to describe the type of man Mark Creath is. An article written by Jim Crumbley at The Warrior's Log does a fine job of explaining it. Take the time to read his honoring words to get a better idea how Mark impacted those around him.

What I can say is that Mark and I had many things in common, the "You too?" types of things that brought us a deep commonality. We had great times of laughter, sad times of sorrow and hopeful times for our futures.

Like so many others, I hurt but am joyful for Mark.

There are others that fill my life as friends. They are good friends and the type that mean quite a lot to me. But if we are lucky, we get to have a few of the very best of friends and Mark was mine.

I have written asking how is it that I was the lucky one. Lucky to have met this man. Lucky to have learned from this man. Lucky to have been part of his life. But I understand that it will never leave me; that my luck is now permanent.

Like so many others, my hurt will go away and joy for Mark will grow even larger.

That I am sure of my friend.

Stay inspired!

Friday, October 03, 2014

That Happens

"If anything is certain, it is that change is certain. The world we are planning for today will not exist in this form tomorrow." ~ Phil Crosby

Way back on Sunday evening we knew the weekend would end and Monday morning was staring at us with fierce eyes. Those waning moments on Sunday evening were probably used to plan the coming week. You prepared and began looking forward to all you wanted to accomplish.

The week started well and as it progressed, the list you prepared seemed quite manageable. Your check marks indicating completion of items started out well enough. Everything is going well without a single hitch in your plans.

And then that happens.

You probably know what I'm talking about. The that which comes up and interferes with your list tosses your plans out the window. It gets in the way and starts to consume your week. Pretty soon you wonder where the week went and the this got overrun by the that of life.

The reality of life is planning can and is a great way to live. But you have to understand that is going to get in the way. When it does, you need to adjust and bend to what life will throw at you.

It is life happening.

If you can keep your head about you, the this and that of life will simply be another adventure. You will make it to another weekend finding yourself with only Friday to get in the way. The weekend will come soon enough.

Stay inspired my friends!

Now a bit about Frane Selak.

Thursday, October 02, 2014

We Will

We will walk until we can no longer walk. 

We will sit until we can no longer sit. 

We will talk until we can no longer talk. 

We will.

Stay inspired my friends.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Consider Today

"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." - Matthew 6:34

A verse that goes back through many ages but very applicable today.

We spend a lot of time worrying about tomorrow.

We forget to live what is at hand today.

An old saying goes, "Do not worry about tomorrow for it is already tomorrow in Australia." Rest assure there are folks already there worrying about their today.

Your future tomorrow will come soon enough.

Live today with the moments you are given.

Stay inspired my friends!