Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Can We Choose Happiness

Happiness is not a possession to be prized, it is a quality of thought, a state of mind.” - Daphne Du Maurier

Can we choose to be happy in life or does it just happen?

There are people who believe happiness is something which only gets bestowed upon the lucky people in life. If you were not given the gift of happiness you are simply one of the unlucky people.

Happiness is what you want it to be.

You can choose to be happy or not within the circumstances surrounding your life. Finding and understanding those things which are good in your life, a path to happiness begins.

There are lives of people we could never imagine them finding happiness. Children and adults finding the littlest of things to create their happiness from. Each day people from all different backgrounds, economics and health find their happiness. They build upon the happiness found, that glimmer of sunshine.

It is not simply making the choice to be happy, but is a group of action in total which add up to creating a happier life. You see, we can never change what happens to us in any given moment. But with awareness, we can choose how to respond to it. As we make different choices, positive choices, in response will begin to create a life lived with more content, opening the way for happiness to enter more often.

Choose to be happy.

Stop expending energy in complaint and unhappiness. Your stress will be lower. You will have the ability to direct your energy towards change if required or towards enjoying even more happiness.

And stay inspired my friends.

AUTHORS NOTE: Happy Birthday Mom. Miss you but I'm still laughing in life.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Through the Front Window

"See life through the front window, not through the rear window." - Brett Favre

Life has a tendency to rush past in a seemingly endless stream of blurred images.

We crane our necks, always looking behind to see what we missed.

Always trying to capture what has already gone by.

This happens many times due to the busy lives we create. We are always working hard in order to earn a promotion at work. Always trying to improve all that we do consumes much of the time. The days and people in our lives simply disappear into the rear view mirror.

If you simply slow down just a bit, this one small action will allow you to see life coming at you; through the front window.

It will provide you with more time to appreciate those around you.

It will give you more time to enjoy your life.

Stay inspired my friends!

Friday, January 23, 2015

Rising Above Self

"An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity." ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.

Early in life, each of us live in the narrow vision of who we are and what we can do for ourselves. I am not really sure if that is a biological need for survival or a formed psychological response. But I do find that it seems to be a natural progression we take in life.

After some amount of time it can become and old and tired way of living life. What I am referring to is selfishness. Part of the maturing process in life is to get up above it or get out the way. Life is lived in community. It is lived in support of each other.

In turn, it truly becomes about us.

Some people call it "getting over yourself".

I simply call it becoming a part of life, of the bigger world. When you look beyond your own life, your world grows to greater wonders. There will be so much more that unfolds in front of you. Much more will come back to you when you get beyond self.

Rise above yourself, find something greater for your life and as always stay inspired my friends.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Gaining Momentum

"Your living is determined not so much by what life brings to you as by the attitude you bring to life; not so much by what happens to you as by the way your mind looks at what happens." - Kahlil Gibran

What kind of attitude do you have this, the third week of the new year?

Are you still going strong with your resolutions?

Is the new leaf you turned over still inspiring you?

Just know that the number of days within the new year is not the measuring stick. The measuring stick in keeping momentum is your attitude.

I have heard it said, "it is easy to have an attitude, but deciding to have a good attitude is hard." In order to keep your mind adjusted to achieving a goal can be difficult. So in order to achieve your goals and to remain motivated, you need to keep a great attitude inside.

Be strong, be motivated and immerse yourself around people who are like-minded and positive. There will be no end to what you can achieve with a great attitude throughout the entire year.

Stay inspired my friends!