Friday, June 26, 2015

Love Is One


From December 5, 2011, a popular article.

"If you've got love you've got life, if you can love you can live". - Kim Casali

A comic strip called Love Is has been around since 1970. I remember reading the panel every time I picked up a newspaper. New Zealand cartoonist Kim Casali created these from love notes that she drew for her future husband Roberto.

Kim was actually born Marilyn Judith Grove in Auckland, New Zealand, in 1941 and at the age of 19 travelled to Europe and the U.S. She worked in various jobs, including being a waitress in a London tea shop, before moving in 1967 to Los Angeles, where she met Roberto Casali, an Italian computer engineer, at a party.

She created the "love notes" during her courtship with Roberto in Los Angeles. As Kim said to an interviewer "I began making little drawings for myself to express how I felt . . . It was a little bit like keeping a diary that described how my feelings had grown."

They were married in 1971 but unfortunately lost their jobs and were now living illegally in the U.S. They were trying to find jobs that would keep them "... one step ahead of the Immigration Department" here in the United States.

In 1972, they moved to Britain and had two sons, Stefano, now 24, and Dario, now 21. In 1975 Roberto was diagnosed with cancer and died a year later. However, a third son, Milo, was born through artificial insemination in 1977, nearly a year and a half after his father's death.

In 1975, Bill Asprey was chosen by Kim Casali and her husband Roberto to take on the writing and drawing of these daily panels. Even though Robert passed away in 1976 and Kim more recently in 1997, their love continues to be shared with readers around the world.

Love can be a very enduring part of our life. Love can be shared and inspire others beyond the natural part of our life. Love is ...

Stay inspired my friends.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

A World Shared By Humans

"Blue Marble" image taken from NASA's Earth-observing satellite, Suomi NPP.
Credit: NASA/NOAA/GSFC/Suomi NPP/VIIRS/Norman Kuring

"Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier." - Mother Teresa

A few years back I attended a conference just outside of Lisbon, Portugal. The conference was broken into two 2-day sessions so the Wednesday in-between was a rest day. It allowed speakers to catch their breath before the next set of attendees arrived.

Another speaker and I had traveled here with our wives. So during this day off we drove through the countryside of Portugal taking in all of the sites and sounds. We had great moments meeting people along the way.

Doing so is good for one's soul.

We met many people from other countries who were on holiday. Engaging with these people, however brief of time it is can expand your appreciation for the world and the people we get to share it with.

One begins to realize that people around the world are very much like you and me. Each are living life, trying to get ahead at work, raising their kids, putting food on the table and simply enjoying life.

In one particular location called Cabo da Roca, the western most point of the European main continent, we met folks vacationing and even spoke with those working. And yes, they work, eat and sleep like we do. They pray, worship, have kids and worry about retirement all in the same manner as we do.

Cabo da Roca

We are all human and share a bond in that.

Why not try to bring a little bit of happiness to all you come near.
Why not allow for our differences and celebrate our shared world.

Explore and enjoy the lives of others along your journey through life. Bring happiness along with you. The earth is a great place to live our lives upon.

Enjoy it and celebrate it.

And stay inspired my friends.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

The Last Is A First

"In rivers the water that you touch is the last of what has passed and the first of that which comes: so with time present." - Leonardo da Vinci

A few days ago (June 21 to be exact), marked a day of change. It was a change of seasons being the last day of Spring. All of the colloquialism phrases about having spring fever or the joys of spring have to be put away for another year.

We like to hang onto the word "last" with nostalgic comfort.

The "last" time we get to say spring showers, or the "last" time for spring flowers. We create lists of "last" events. There are many things we could describe as being the "last".

The "last" piece of chocolate.
The "last" day of school.
The "last" time being single.
The "last" moment of our life.

So many things you could apply this word to, but this word is just a point along the continuum of time. The world keeps spinning, the Sun continues to shine and life remains in motion regardless of our attempts to define ending moments.

The last also marks a beginning.

Instead of thinking something is ending, think of something new beginning. An ending is the beginning of new opportunity. The ending of one job is the beginning of something new in life connected to new people and places. The final day of school is the beginning of a world of possibility.

The last of anything can be the start of even greater things for us.

How you choose to accept the "last" of anything determines the quality of what comes next. Time and life will continue with or without you. Choose to mark the last of anything as the beginning of something new and wonderful.

Let the last become the first in your life.

Stay inspired my friends.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Give It A Go

You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.
- C.S. Lewis

Many times when I have heard someone say, "I'm too old for that."

My first reaction is to say, "You are never to old to try anything." You may not succeed but the ability to try is there, waiting for you to use it. The thing is, all of us tend to fall to the negative more quickly than not.

In other words, we assume right away something is impossible due to age, ability, money or whatever. We fail to give ourselves the chance to begin with, "Hmmm, that sounds interesting. Let's give it a go."

Instead of saying no, maybe we should give it a try.

I came across a story of a woman named Mary Ho on the or Grandma Mary as she bills herself. And at age 78, is probably one of the coolest grandmas in Singapore.

She first started learning the acoustic guitar at the age of 60. Despite initial fears, physical drawbacks and lack of any musical training, Mary's love for the guitar drove her on. As Mary says, “We need to do something that we love. If you love something, you will definitely go and do it. In the end, you will be very happy.”

Age is only a number used on a form.

Would you allow someone to prevent you from pursuing your adventure? If not, then why would you allow yourself to do the same?

As long as we are alive, we can keep searching for those adventures. To scale part or all of Mount Everest at age 70. To walk the the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu at age 80. To skydive at age 90.

The list is never too long.

There is so much we can do in life. There is so much we can start doing at any age. It is never too late; we are never too old; we are never unable; there is always a way. There might be failure, but don't start with failure.

Start with "Yes, I'll give it a go."

Stay inspired my friends!