Friday, July 17, 2015

Serving or Self-Serving


It has always been my belief that a man should do his best, regardless of how much he receives for his services, or the number of people he may be serving or the class of people served.” - Napoleon Hill

It has been a bit spotty of late in getting my blog articles out. There are changes on the horizon for me and those have kept me quite busy. So I am working to get back into a regular pattern of writing so stick with me folks.

Today I wanted to ask a couple of questions;

Regarding your business or job
- Is customer service really at the core of your business or simply “lip” service?

Regarding your everyday life
- Do you live in service to others or are you simply living for yourself?

In your business (or job you work at), the time has come to realize that the ability —or inability— to serve customers in a way that is consistent with meeting and exceeding their expectations is the biggest differentiator which separates a successful business from others. The same is true in your personal life. Serving others before self will have a dramatic impact on your life and the lives of those around you.

It is the difference between living life and living your best life.

Now is the time to transform customer service from a one-dimensional, one-directional exchange into a fluid and integral part of your life. There are basic rules for transforming your life and business and it begins with serving others.

Life has a lot to do with the “CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE” you provide.

Remember today is the day you felt a drop of rain splash down on your forehead. Is it time to build that ark, Noah? In other words, today is the day to start making a change.

Elevate “customer service” (serving others) into a front office mission critical strategic imperative. Make it a strategic part of your everyday life.

Stay inspired my friends.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Rules for Living

"Treat people as if they were what they ought to be and help them to become what they are capable of being." - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

That is the simple message in which everyone is capable of applying to their life.

Stay inspired my friends.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Your Fishing Boat

The American television broadcaster Hugh Downs once said, "to say my fate is not tied to your fate is like saying, 'your end of the boat is sinking." When it comes to relationships and connections to other people, each of us have an impact on what happens to others and to each of us.

We do have an ability to influence our own destiny.

This is about the choices we make. It is about how we react to the ripple of events that occur each day. Every one of those events will affect and potentially change us in slight ways.

Sometimes major changes occur in our life due to others.

Know that you are connected to many others in this world. The knots in a fishing net closest to you are your family and friends. Further out across the web of knots, your connections are the people you work with, meet at the grocery store, or encounter while driving down the road.

Our net is cast far and wide, but with loose or torn knots we fail to keep those connections. We become a fisherman without any fish to sustain our life. Keeping the knots of your fishing net secure will ensure a bountiful life.

Your net will even reach others as yet unknown to you.

Enjoy how your life impacts others and how those connections impact your own life. It is an amazing network of human interaction which makes this a great life. Stop to reflect upon the fishing net in your life and secure all the knots which bind us together.

Stay inspired my friends.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Ride Of Your Life

"It makes no sense to worry about things you have no control over because there's nothing you can do about them, and why worry about things you do control? The activity of worrying keeps you immobilized." - Wayne Dyer

The news is full of chaos and trouble. There are problems reported in Iraq, oil prices up or down, violent storms, and a hundred other things cloud our minds. Sometimes it can certainly feel like the end times described by various religions is upon us.

Heck, it makes you wonder if the Mayans were being conservative in their dates!

Yes, tongue firmly planted in cheek at this point. But all of the mayhem can overload our senses and lives. It tends to pile up on top of what we are already going through in the normal part of our life. You can wonder endlessly about these things, spending the day in worry.

In the grand scheme of things, there isn't much you can do about these things outside of your control. You can't stop the fighting in Iraq, nor keep a cyclone from bearing down upon ac ountry. You can not stop those things anymore then people before us could prevent history from happening.

While it is overwhelming, life for you can not grind to a halt. You need to keep moving forward. You need to work on those things in your life that you do have control over. And what you have control over is your attitude.

Take the energy you are pouring into worry and direct it towards moving forward. Focus it on what you can do, on where you want to be, on your journey to a great life.

History is a roller coaster of events and occurrences.

Some parts are going to be thrilling, some parts scary, but it is the ride of your life.

Change your attitude and change your life.

And stay inspired my friends.