Friday, March 11, 2016

What Of Spilled Milk

"There's nothing wrong with the younger generation that becoming taxpayers won't cure." - Dan Bennett

Short and sweet is tax season and I have just recently completed this annual ritual. It is normally not too bad and I see it as just one of those things in life that needs to be done.

The days of being carefree and knowing my father would take care of it are long gone. I think back and forget at times just how good it was during that period of my life. Not too many things to worry about in those early days.

Life continues and we finish school, get a job, and buy a house. There are school loans to pay, maybe we start having kids, investments and things change. yes, life moves forward and it makes us wonder if all this is worth it.

Well it is.

Life does get better as we move forward and at the same time life seems to get more complicated. It is all part of the process of living. There is an idiom, "death and taxes are the only two guarantees in life." Maybe it is a good thing to just accept it now.

Resolve to know this and choose to live your life to its fullest.

I can not make taxes go away. I can not keep death from occurring. What I can do is live my life doing all those things which make it a great life. Connecting with other people, giving and making their lives great.

Doing so makes my life great.

I try not to sweat the small things or the things which are insignificant in the grand scheme of life. My suggestion to you is to not allow those things to get in the way and consume the greater parts of your life.

If you do not it will leave less time to enjoy what matters most; family, friends, love and being part of our time before death occurs. Don't get me wrong, earning money, raising children, taxes and all these things are important.

But know the little arguments we have with each other, the person cutting in line on the freeway or spilled milk are just things getting in the way of enjoying life.

Do not cry over these things.

Wipe up the broken pieces and move on. Forgive the other person or yourself and move on. Smile with grace and move on from the small things. Death and taxes might be inevitable, but so is a great life if you allow it into your world.

Stay inspired my friends!

Wednesday, March 09, 2016

What Your Shadow Reveals

The attitude we project outwardly is something we fail to acknowledge or understand at times. We might think inside we are a happy go-lucky, upbeat person. But people who meet us might just perceive us as dour and uninviting.

Nearly all of us check our appearance.

As human beings we normally check to to see what our outward appearance is like. We might pass a window and catch a glimpse of how we look from time to time. Many use a mirror to see if our hair looks good, if our clothes are on straight and check that our general appearance is good.

Some of us have probably looked at another persons appearance and made a determination about them. You might assume a disheveled person is unorganized and maybe think a well dressed person successful. Like your mother told you "be careful not to judge a book by its cover" for they may not be what you think on the outside.

What does your shadow reveal?

While many worry about our appearance, we never seem to examine what is inside, our attitude or how it projects who we are to others. Think of your shadow, reaching out from some point of connection to you. There is no escaping from it. When you move, your shadow moves. When you change direction, your shadow changes direction.

Our attitude is like our shadow. It follows and mimics everything you do. It is a reflection of who you are. The good thing is we can change, our attitude does not have to be a permanent reflection of us.

Our attitude can change to be whatever we want it to be.

Hopefully your change is towards something that is good and inspiring to others. And while your shadow follows you every where, your attitude will be doing the same. Others will see and make judgments based upon your attitude.

Let your attitude cast a positive shadow on them. And stay inspired my friends!

Tuesday, March 08, 2016

Planning To Amaze

"Don't let your fear paralyze you. Prepare yourself not only technically, but also emotionally." - Bob Weinstein

You have an upcoming party at your home and it probably has you pretty busy. You might be preparing the back yard for guests by getting new flowers planted, or the deck refinished. There is cleaning to do, food to prepare, and so much more.

There are so many things you are likely preparing for that sometimes you feel there is not enough time to get it all done. Hopefully the weather will cooperate as well.

What if something goes wrong?

With all of our planning and preparing should also be the knowledge your plans could go awry. This is the point at which our adventure begins. Dealing with bad weather, food not arriving on time, or some other unforeseen event.

This is the point at which we have to adjust.

Preparation must still occur because we can not sit still and expect greatness to happen. When you move, life moves with you and it is in that moment amazing things happen.

There will likely be obstacles to overcome. Your plans might not go as you had wished but amazing opportunity will present itself. It is in those moments we are given the ability to reach out and grab success.

You discover the ability to overcome and accomplish.

Be prepared to amaze others. Be prepared to amaze yourself. Planning is a good start but what you accomplish when the plan does not is why we plan in the first place.

Stay inspired my friends!

Monday, March 07, 2016

Charging Up Your Life

"Shutting off the thought process is not rejuvenating; the mind is like a car battery -- it recharges by running." - Bill Watterson

How do batteries work? We continually use up the energy of a battery and then have the ability to recharge and use it again and again is a pretty good thing.

What about our own attitude?

We can probably say the same thing about our attitude. The positive goodness we want to possess inside is is a way of living a fully charged and great life.

But eventually, the 'full charge' we once had can wear down. If not careful, we can find ourselves at a low point with little to feel good about.

How do we keep our positive attitude at a high level?

We do so by surrounding ourselves with people who have great attitudes. We read uplifting and encouraging stories others have written. We focus on what is good about our lives and what we can do to correct any hardships we might be encountering.

In other words, we re-charge our lives from time to time.

Make sure you remind yourself of the goals in your life. Repeat it as often as you can. Never give up and keep moving because movement places us in a position for change.

Life can be described as a roller coaster which will take you down at times but it will also allow you to soar to great heights.

Keep your attitude charged and find ways to recharge when the levels become too low. There will be a 'spark' of greatness by keeping your attitude charged.

Stay inspired my friends!