Monday, October 01, 2018

Cult of Personality

The master key of knowledge is, indeed, a persistent and frequent questioning.” – Peter Abelard

Who do you look up to these days? Is it the latest reality TV series star, a super hero character from the movies, someone in our military forces or a highly viewed Twitter account?

Some would argue we live in a cult of personality period when it comes to our politics. A political "cult of personality" occurs when a political group or even individual is able to use mass media, propaganda, or other terms as defined in Wikipedia " create an idealized, heroic, and worshipful image of a leader, often through unquestioning flattery and praise."

One can find in history a long list of people who fit this title. And I am sure there will be those who will tie this to modern day politics. And yes, I would say it has been a topic of great interest.

It is true of any personality obsession we have in our culture today.

I would say we need to question ourselves when the admiration and unrelenting support of a leader, sports, movie or other person becomes an obsession. We should question why the "cult of personality" draws us in and captivates our support. We should do so regardless of political leaning, religious belief or any other aspect of life.

Question, ask, inquire, query, yearn to know and quiz the reasons why this cult of personality has been given.

Stay inspired my friends!

Monday, September 24, 2018

Whose Side Is Time On?

It has been said, 'time heals all wounds.' I do not agree. The wounds remain. In time, the mind, protecting its sanity, covers them with scar tissue and the pain lessens. But it is never gone.” ― Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy

Does the past justify the present or does the present justify the past?

It seems like a paradoxical question I suppose.

We struggle with what happened in the past through the lens of today.

There are many different subjects one could apply today's thinking on yesteryear's events.

Sexual harassment, racism, health or a whole slew of other topics come to mind if you scroll through social media feeds.

So much changes as time passes by and what one person calls society progressing, another yearns for what once was.

If something happened five, ten, twenty or even more years ago ... does time resolve everything?

Or does time merely delay the eventual reckoning?

I guess only time will tell.

Stay inspired my friends!

Saturday, September 08, 2018

Holding On Tight

You're going to make it; You're going to be at peace; You're going to create, and love, and laugh, and live; You're going to do great things.” ― Germany Kent

A couple of months back, a fairly strong storm came through our neighborhood where we live. It was early morning and the wind was incredible for the short amount of time it took to pass through. In the aftermath, damage to a couple of trees in the backyard was quite apparent including a large Maple tree.

Over the next two weekends I took my time cutting down and cutting up the broken branches and limbs from these trees. Yet there was one particular tree branch too high for me to risk or really worry about. I figured that it would die and break away to be cleaned up at a later time.

The branch continues to hang on and live.

So here we are at least two months post-storm and the branch hangs lonely, broken but still living. Its leaves are just as green and vibrant as those on much stronger branches. It has not given up and somehow I believe it will be interesting to watch nature repair itself.

I have witnessed and I have lived a broken life. Many of you have probably had your limbs broken from the main branch of life. Maybe shattered or fractured but holding on in some small manner pulling what little sustenance you could from the the pieces still attached.

Some view this broken attachment as the final end, waiting for the main tree trunk to snap the remaining connection. What little remains though is meant to hold on. It is meant to hold on in both directions the connection between you and others.

The connection allows you to hold on tight.

While you still have breath, you have a connected piece to those around you. The broken can be mended for there is laughter and love for you in this life.

It comes through the life giving connection to others. It comes from not giving up. And watch as the green of growth will shine brilliantly and strong, just like the others around you.

Stay inspired my friends!

Saturday, September 01, 2018

Life Shapes Our View

The darkest night in someone's life may be the brightest day in another person's life. Life rests on perceptions and conceptions or missed perceptions and misconceptions.” ― Israelmore Ayivor

I have been in the technology field for over 38 years and feel I have stayed pretty close to the leading curve of all things new and cool. The advances being made in all fields of human progress continue to grab my interest and time. Even new music, trends and ways of thinking how we live our lives.

But I have a confession on this perfect late summer morning.

We still have a house phone cradled in its base. In our defense, it is not attached to the wall in our kitchen with a rotary dial and fifteen foot long twisted cord connecting the hand set to the base unit. It is a hand held and we have remote hand sets in various rooms of the house.

This phone serves 98% of the time as a place for telemarketers to waste their automated call time selling great insurance deals, lowering my credit card rates and attempts to ensure my Microsoft operating system license is fully paid for. Caller ID and the answering machine make for a great way to monitor and ignore the calls.

The blinking yellow message light, blinking, blinking, blinking.

Each hand held has a small yellow LED light that blinks when a message is left. It is very easy to push the key sequence on the phone to delete the messages. Some days it is part of my regular bed time routine. Many nights though I forget to delete the daily messages and fall blissfully asleep.

In the darkness of night there are moments I wake to this bright yellow beacon filling the room. It might as well be a road construction warning light sitting on the dresser. Seriously, one night in half sleep I combined the rumble of our AC unit and the yellow light into wondering why a garbage truck was parked outside of our home. My wife barely notices it.

And there it is, how we perceive things in life.

One definition of perceiving is to interpret or look on (someone or something) in a particular way. Shes perceives the light as nothing more than the small dimly lit LED that it is. I perceive it to be a lighthouse guarding ships from coastal dangers. Her view is perfectly normal and rational. Mine is probably exaggerated.

In an article by Gregg Henriques, Ph.D., professor of psychology at James Madison University titled Perception and Perceptual Illusions, he states "Through experience, the mind/brain builds perceptual categories of objects. ... The matching process is what gives us the experience of figure/ground relationships."

Our life experience has us wired differently.

If we read Twitter, Facebook, opinion columns and listen to all of the noisy differences, one might wonder how we accomplish anything. The conversation can be good for advancing humanity, but we need to understand how we perceive one thing is perceived differently by others.

One could apply my blinking yellow message light to current politics. What I may view as bombastic deception, another will view as quiet guidance. Our frame of reference is simply different.

In our haste to send off eye popping Tweets only results in widening our divide. Maybe the starting point should be acknowledging the difference. If we try to perceive things slightly different we can lessen the divide.

Maybe that little yellow message light is warning us.

Stay inspired my friends!