Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Inspiration To Make Change

The first step in any fresh start begins with attitude. Look for the inspiration you need to make change. Look for it in places you least expect. Look for it in places out of the ordinary. And look for it daily.

The Inspiration of Saint Matthew painting by Caravaggio (link to Amazon) is said to represent St. Matthew writing his gospel under the inspiration of an angel. We all take inspiration from different sources...find yours.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Use What Is Suited To You

When reading various articles and watching life around me, it occurs to me that many are looking for that one solution, that one answer to make our lives better. To get that one diet that works or even that one key to success. We read lots of 'self help' books, watch shows teaching us the next great thing, listen to people speak on the 'right' method and all along wonder why much of it doesn't work for us.

The first thing I have to say is that I am not being derogatory to anyone offering help in one form or another. To do that would be diminishing what I'm trying to accomplish in helping people. What I am saying is that all of these different methods, tips, steps or motivation break throughs are options for your life. What one person may deem odd could potentially work for you. What failed for you will do wonders for the next seeker.

These suggestions only open your eyes to different possibilities in life. But that life is yours and yours alone. Each of us is different in how we were raised, our environment as well as the multitude of other differences. I had read somewhere that, "each of us are here to do a different life."

An Italian poet born in roughly 50 BC - Sextus Propertius, wrote " let each man pass his days in that wherein his skill is greatest."

We are all individuals made slightly different and you will find that only you are best fitted to try things suited for you. You have certain gifts, talents and of course idiosyncrasies both good and bad. So do your research, try something...if it doesn't work, try something else. Find that which fits or works for you. Do not allow yourself to be discouraged by failure - use bits and pieces from many different sources.

You will put these together and build methods that suit you, that work for you and that make you successful in what you want to accomplish. Believe in yourself and develop a strategy that will make your life a great one.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Thankful Attitude

"Blow, blow, thou winter wind! Thou art not so unkind as man's ingratitude." -Shakespeare

There are people you have met in your life that never seem to be thankful of what they do have. It always seems having even the smallest of things is never good enough. It may be having a good job at a good wage but always complaining about the boss and the size of their paycheck. Maybe something simple as a door being held open for them yet irritated that it wasn't held open far enough.

Not being thankful or not having gratitude for things one has leads to never having the fullness of your potential. There are people I know that have this going on in their lives. They will fail at some point to realize their full potential. They will fail to impact others in a positive way. They will succeed though in bringing others down with them.

There are others that I know that do have gratitude for those things large and small in their lives. Thankful for the goodness that touches them but also happy for the lessons in life brought on by failures. It is this attitude which anchors us so that we see everything from a positive and meaningfull viewpoint. Say to life, "bring it on, good and bad". Be thankful for that which happens and learn from it. Life is good when you can be thankful.

Friday, February 24, 2006

Wisdom, Courage and Strength

Visited with a friend last night whom I hadn't seen in quite some time. I've known this fellow for nearly 20 years. We worked together out in the Dakotas and have continued our friendship through the years. A lot has happened over those years in our lives and I've always considered him to be a touchstone for me.

This man went through a lot in life before I knew him and his life turned around. Sure, he has his everyday 'life' issues like all of us. But he embodies virtues that are good for all of us. These are virtues I strive to capture in my daily life. I believe I learned these from Phil Pringle and keep them written in a place where they can be easily retrieved.

  • Wisdom - ability to discern right from wrong, to know the right thing to do in any situation.
  • Courage - doing what is right, no matter what the consequences are.
  • Strength - capacity to continue doing the right thing, to carry through to the end, to finish what you started.
Wisdom, courage and strength - three essential virtues to have in life. It would be neat if we could put it into some neat acronym, but they are easy enough to remember.

“The power of a man's virtue should not be measured by his special efforts, but by his ordinary doing” - Blaise Pascal