Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Attitude And Stress Management

As you go through life, there will be times of stress and times of negative attitude. Its unlikely you would be human were you never to experience these. Everyday events can bring about stress whether it be a higher then expected electric bill, a neighborhood dog barking all night or simply a rough day at work.

Each of us develop our own coping mechanisms. Some people turn to drinking and other methods of hiding the stress. Others turn to a 'mean' streak within them, being either physically abusive or just a rotten person. These are methods which do much more harm in the longterm as opposed to the shortterm relief given. All of the previously mentioned methods are used by people with negative attitudes as well, a quick release or 'pick me up' from the situation.

Now I certainly am not here to criticize drinking or to condone any type of abusive behaviour. Those tendencies are better addressed by professional people. What I do want to offer is a choice in how to deal with stress. An easy and learned method of helping you work through the current situation. As with any serious issue of stress, seek out doctors or other professional assistance.

Now, the day has ended and you are stressed from a very hectic work day. Way too much work and too little resources, customers badgering you on the phone and a boss that simply shouldn't be in a position of management. You feel as though a vein may burst at any moment and you really need to decompress.

The car awaits and you may automatically turn on the 'drive home' music on that local rock station or to the 'talk show' heads. With each loud beat or shrill pontification your stress only builds. You may not even realize it. Reach over and find something more soothing such as classical music or maybe simply turn the radio off. Reflect, think about the day and realize this to has passed and a new day awaits.

Now you are home, seek out your spouse, a relative or friends and simply connect. Don't simply unload your troubles but talk about the day, about other events and more importantly about 'their' day. As humans we are designed to encourage each other and naturally this will happen. Give encouragement to the other and you will receive it in return.

The same goes for your dreams and visions. Sharing these with others will provide an opportunity to receive encouragement. You need also to encourage others in a positive fashion in order to get the same in return. The same goes for having a positive attitude. Giving forth a great attitude, being nice to others, helping them be upbeat will be provided back to you.

You have made it this far, the day doesn't seem quite so bad. You've placed yourself among others and those others should have great attitudes in order to bolster your own. Placing yourself among others with like minded dreams and visions will help you as well. In both cases, doing so only helps you to achieve both.

Now look where we have ended up, the anxiety of the day is probably easing away by now. Our mind isn't 'laser-focused' on the negative things of the day. We've placed ourselves into a mind set that life will go on and it will be great. We've placed ourselves among others that support the idea of a great life. Together we pull each other through it with amazing ease.

Stress will always be there and you will learn to sense it and to fight it off. By being among others of like minded attitudes will naturally over time allow you to overcome stress more quickly. Maybe you will even be able to avoid it as you allow your mind to go to that 'stress-free' place as soon as you feel it coming on.

Overcome your stress with a positive attitude and allow others to enter your world. They will impact your life and you will impact theirs.

“There is no such thing as a 'self-made' man. We are made up of thousands of others. Everyone who has ever done a kind deed for us, or spoken one word of encouragement to us, has entered into the make-up of our character and of our thoughts, as well as our success.”
-George Matthew Adams

Monday, April 10, 2006

Spring Into A New Attitude

Such comfort as do lusty young men feel,
When well-apparelled April on the heel,
Of limping Winter treads, even such delight,
Among fresh female buds shall you this night,
Inherit at my house
- (Shakespeare, Romeo & Juliet)

With spring upon us, the above text taken from the play of youth and budding new opportunity. Ourselves can take spring to make the old, new again. To make a fresh start with the promise of growth and renewed vitality. 'Spring' into a new attitude and your life will grow in abundance.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Quality - The Road Continues

From the good folks at Note the intended humor in it but understand that for all of us, striving for quality where we work never ends.

The road ahead of us whether it is in business or in our personal lives stretches on. You should understand that achieving one level of goodness only sets us up to achieve another level.

So sure, it may seem like a 'death march', but greatness does await each of us. Success in this march to quality of work and life will be yours.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Drink From The Well Of Life

Heard an interesting statement the other day, "movement doesn't take place with 'stinky thinking'. It happens with positive thinking." This comes from Steve Bullen, a pastor at my local church and it was in reference to preparing yourself to move ahead in life. The 'stinky thinking' refers to always being negative about any given situation.

So easy it has become for all of us to look at the down side of most any situation. So easy to wallow in the negativity of anything gone bad. So easy to let these things bring our own attitude down. It breaks our strength, it weakens our ability to push through to what is more important. Is it that much easier to be negative? Does it take more energy to be positive?

I have read different studies that have shown it takes more muscles to frown then to smile. Even if it isn't so, I still hold the belief that smiling is much better for you and consumes much less of your energy. And what is it you can do with this added energy?

Use that energy to improve your life, to drink from the well of goodness that life has to offer. With that energy, you will have the strength to move that rock which covers the well. To push that rock aside and drink from all that life has to offer.

At a place called Andersonville Civil War Prison Camp in the U.S. state of Georgia (also known as Camp Sumter), the differences of men imprisoned during the war came to a boil. Conditions had worsened to a point at which water flowing in a small stream became intolerable. Many of the men prayed for water and many wished for divine intervention. Many put away their differences to work as one and to try and create better conditions.

It then happened one thunderous and stormy night. It is said that lightening struck the ground and a new and previously unknown water spring began to flow. There is no scientific explanation for this but many felt it was a sign from above. The earth opened, the water flowed and it was named Providence Spring.

Set aside your 'stinky thoughts' and develop a positive look in life. Drink from the Providence Spring that will come forth.