Sunday, October 02, 2005

Change The World Every Day

An article appeared in the Omaha World Herald this weekend about a gathering of business students at the Lied Center on the University of Nebraska Lincoln campus. They listened to Warren Buffett and Bill Gates speak more about human values then about money.

(see - Common Interests Connect)

Mr. Buffett is quoted as saying, "you're changing the world everyday." This in response to a question about how an individual could make the world a better place and not be discouraged by the size of the task (as noted in the article). What his meaning is that you can effect change on a daily basis. All of the little things you do will add up in life. Your behavior dictates and sets off a chain reaction of other reactions and possibilities.

In the work place, this can have a broadening impact on both the work place environment and in keeping and improving customer relations. In a small company these little things can impact or be seen fairly quickly. In a large corporation, as Mr. Buffett indicates, " corporation can ensure that all its employees act properly all the time. Somebody's always doing something wrong."

As an employee, you can see things within your sphere of influence and effect change simply by altering your behavior. By improving your attitude and passing that along both to your customers and to other employees. It doesn't take a large amount of money, you don't have to be a famous person and you don't have to be perfect. You simply need to have the will to change your own attitude and then pass it along to others. Not preaching and I repeat, not preaching to others...but by your actions, by your behaviors.

One of my early articles stated, '"Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny."

Dare to bring something new into your world and see if it doesn't change things.

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