Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Moving Yourself To Do Something

Just to prove that I do possess a sense of humor - when considering everything I'm talking about, you have to keep it in perspective. Many times I refer to making a change or getting up and just starting. But people do procrastinate and I'm one to do it as well. But before talking on why we procrastinate I thought I'd share the above with you. It comes from one of my favorite sites where motivation can actually be accomplished by demotivating humorously. Reminds me of the 'reverse psychology' each of us has tried on our kids! (

So why do we procrastinate then? In Paul McGee's book S.U.M.O - he offers up five reasons for doing so. Those reasons are;

1. Avoiding Discomfort - if it doesn't feel good, don't do it.

2. Emotional Barriers - when you remain a prisoner to your emotions, you may never know the freedom of success.

3. Fear of Failure - failure isn't fatal until you stop trying.

4. Complacency - wake up and smell the coffee, life at its longest is still fairly short.

5. Action Illusion - when all is said and done, more is said than done.

He also offers a way to conquer procrastination and this is going to sound earth shattering - "...just start it. That's right, just do something. Do not worry about completing the task or how much time it will take to finish - just start it."

In my own personal life, this is how I battle it as well. I just get up and start doing something. We expend so much energy on convincing ourselves why not to do it. Simply turn that energy into doing something, anything and you'll start a change in your life. Go ahead and don't "despair", enjoy the road of accomplishment...but you first have to get up, point yourself down a road and start moving.

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