Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Overcoming Again

Benjamin Franklin left us with many great things that have survived and remain relevant even today. Many see him as one born into greatness and a life of ease. But this is far from the truth of the obstacles he had to overcome.

One of the things he did was serving as an apprentice in a print shop to his older brother. Now you have to understand the time and place this occurred. This would be in Boston back in 1718 and was basically indentured to perform the menial tasks while learning the trade. His brother was much older and would take out his frustrations on Benjamin by beating him.

Benjamin persevered and was able to see that there was another way. During these times it would mean trying to gain his freedom from his apprenticeship only to find that no one would hire him as his brother had put the word out. So it was through various means he set off for New York, nearly penniless and no letter of recommendation in order to get hired.

To read about his obstacles or ‘rocks within his wagon’ is quite astounding to read. But I will not say that his trials and tribulations were any more then what someone else may have endured. As I’ve said before, tell me your sad story and I’ll tell you a hundred sadder stories.

As I read on Franklin though, he didn’t let these issues deter him or lessen his enthusiasm to better himself in life. Much like you need to do in life, continue with a positive attitude to overcome whatever confronts you.

Benjamin Franklin said when writing his autobiography, “as I reflect on my current happiness, I can honestly say that if I were given the opportunity to live my life over again from the beginning I would do so.” He goes on to say that he would like to correct certain things in life...but knowing if he could not he goes on to say, “nonetheless, even if both requests were denied, I would still accept the offer.

Make what you can of life in such a manner so that you can say without pause that you would accept the offer to live it all over again.

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