Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Back To School

School will be starting soon for so many kids, in fact nearly 50 million students are heading off to approximately 97,000 public elementary and secondary schools for the fall term. Many of them grade school aged children.

If you are looking for some way to involve yourself in helping others, which you should be. Then think about getting involved in or starting a 'Back-To-School' program to help those in need. A way to help them get the supplies, back-packs and other essentials needed for a good year of learning.

One such program is administered by a group called S.M.A.R.T. - Single Moms Acquiring Readiness Training. This particular program is giving away backpacks filled with school supplies to Solo Parent Families. But you can start your own, find a program in your city or if you know a family in need, simply help them.

Goodness can and will flow from your heart if you let it. Do something for others and it will come back around to fill your heart once again.

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