It can be much more official now, "The new phone book's here! The new phone book's here!" The line comes from a movie starring Steve Martin called, "The Jerk". At one point, his character Navin is so excited about the delivery of the new phone book.
His friend Harry says, "Well I wish I could get so excited about nothing."
Navin responds, "Nothing? Are you kidding?! Page 73, Johnson, Navin, R.! I'm somebody now! Millions of people look at this book every day! This is the kind of spontaneous publicity, your name in print, that makes people. I'm impressed! Things are going to start happening to me now."
Well, I have that same excitement about my new book, CHANGED LIVES. Distribution has started and it can be found online at most any location including Amazon and Lulu online stores.
The ISBN number is 978-0-578-01674-0 and is my second book, the birthing of new words for all to read. So I would really appreciate some feedback on the book. It is a great read and actually feel it is a great book to give out to others that need some inspiration to move on in life. I have given out dozens and hoping for a ground swell of support.
I am also working on possible speaking engagements and turning my 'little project' into that 'big project' my friend Dean Sweetman spoke about. All it takes is a little excitement about what otherwise might be considered nothing.
So get excited, the new phone book is here!!
Congratulations Joe! I will definitely be ordering a copy.
Congratulations Joe
Will be ordering a copy as I'm sure its a good read given all your years of experience on dealing with customer's.
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