Friday, June 22, 2012

Extend a Hand

You can't stay in your corner of the forest waiting for others to come to you. You have to go to them sometimes.” -A. A. Milne

How often it is that we push people away at first glance. Doing so before we even take the time to find out who they are and about their lives. Is it because we are too wrapped up in our own life to care?

So often we become trapped in the mindset of the "what's in it for me" mentality. One could suppose that it is a reflection of our biological instincts for survival. I would like to think that we have evolved and matured to a point of purpose in our lives. And if we have evolved at all, is not our own survival dependent upon others as well?

In business, those that are successful have found this to be quite true. The truth, which is quite simple also, is that my success depends upon you being successful. When the customers I assist on a daily business are able to grow, it keeps my company in growth. To lack this cooperation between two parties, if one takes advantage of the other, eventually the demise of one will lead to the demise of the other.

In relationships, you can not tear down or take advantage of the other person before the relationship breaks down. Did you truly win or grow at all by that experience? Only if you learned the lessons because to repeat the mistakes never lifts you or those around you. Being kind and supportive in a relationship builds both parties up, growing a great life for both.

Much of what I am talking about starts with kindness to one another. The Greek word for "kind" is chrestos. Applied by the Greeks as a title of respect equivalent to "the worthy." Part of its meaning is useful and if you examine biblical kindness, it involves action. "Dear children, let us stop just saying we love each other; let us really show it by our actions" (1 John 3:18).

This is where we can each make a difference, in the marketplace, our business and in the normal course of human interaction. We can choose to be kind to one another. We can choose to extend a helping hand without expectation. We can choose to make this a better life.

Stay inspired my friends!

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