Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Revolution Today

"You say you want a revolution. Well you know, we all want to change the world." -The Beatles

So much going on in the world, so much going on right here in the United States, so much going on right in your own backyard. Each of us want to change the way things are and some are yelling at the top of their lungs in disagreement with each other.

I try not to get political in my writing because there is enough of that out on the web, on the television and in newspapers. We have people yelling at each other in talk shows and in congressional hearings.

Every person that is expressing their opinion, wanting change and something better are well intended. But like those that protested during the Vietnam War, let's not forget "how" we are expressing in those protests.

Change can be good, change is meant to happen throughout life. It is the volume of the rhetoric that seems to distract from the sensible discussion. Every one is posturing for the most exposure in order to gain attention. If I speak loudest, more people will follow me.

Many times it is the quiet mouse that garners the most attention.

Stay inspired my friends.

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