Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Your End of the Boat

I am on vacation this week with my wife Laura watching our grandkids. Here is an article from February, 2007. I hope you enjoy it. Stay inspired my friends!

The American television broadcaster Hugh Downs once said, "To say my fate is not tied to your fate is like saying, 'your end of the boat is sinking."

When it comes to relationships and further connections to other people, each of us have an impact on what happens to others and to each of us. It isn't to say that we don't have a certain amount of control over our own destiny. It is our choice on how we react to the ripple of events that occur each day. Each of those events will effect and potentially change us in slight ways. Sometimes major changes occur in our life due to the impact of others.

Just know and realize that you are connected to many people in this world. Those 'knots in the fish net' closest to you would be family and friends. As you move out through the web of knots or connections are the people you work with, those you interact with at the grocery store, so on and so forth. Each of these people then connect in some manner to others as yet unknown to you.

Enjoy how your life impacts others and how all of those connections impact your own life. It is an amazing network when you stop to reflect upon it.

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