Friday, June 29, 2012

Your Path of Bricks

"A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him." -David Brinkley

I guess you figuratively are not walking down the street with people throwing bricks at you. But it can certainly feel like it at times. The oddity is that it also feels like you are picking up those same bricks to carry.

It is sort of a "double-whammy" in that you are being pelted with bricks and having to pick them up carry them away. You could say it is very similar to a wagon full of rocks. An ever increasing load that you allow others to place upon your life.

The weight and size of this load slows your progress and eventually might break you down. It is a terrible thing to see a load of brick or rock come tumbling down upon someone's life. When it happens, there are only two possible results; complete destruction of the persons life or fighting renewal.

I have seen the destruction in people's lives. The kind in which they never recover and no matter how much they want to change; they have buried themselves forever. It is a heart breaking process to watch but one I have learned. No matter how heavy or burdensome, there is hope and possibility as long as life exists within you.

Start laying those bricks down. Stop shouldering the weight and let them lift you. The foundation you build with those bricks can serve meaningful purposes. One will give you greater footing as you walk by raising you above the unstable ground. And by building this foundation, it creates a means for you to reach greater heights.

These same bricks will also create a path for others to follow. A path that serves as an example to your spouse, your children, your friends, or others that follow you. Because the choices we make, the decisions on how we respond are being watched by others. People are watching and learning by the examples you set and how you respond to life. The type of path you lay for them will be everlasting.

Are you going to leave a pile of bricks or a nice brick path behind?

Stay inspired my friends.

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