Monday, July 09, 2012

And then you found twenty dollars?

"Giving opens the way for receiving." -Florence Scovel Shinn

There are so many things I could go on about these two folks, Annie and Dave Spell. They are two people who have made a commitment to help others beyond the simple comfort of retirement. They are two people committed to seeing the lives of other people improved. They simply inspire my wife and I to do better things in our lives.

A few months back, they moved to Curitiba, Brazil to make a change in other people's lives. You can read all sorts of things about their adventure on Dave's blog Random Thoughts. I could write all sorts stories about the great things and impact they are having on people in the southern hemisphere.

But then after everything you would probably reply, "...and then you found twenty dollars?" That phrase is something people will sarcastically say after another person has gone "on and on" about some topic.

So I am not going to go "on and on" and get to the point. They could use mine, your and our support by taking that twenty dollars and gifting it to them. Brazil is most certainly not a cheap place to live and these great folks have been been making it by. But again, the rent payment, utility and more importantly, food costs have to be paid. Your twenty dollars along with my twenty dollars and everyone else's twenty dollars can make a huge difference in their efforts.

So my appeal today is to log in and donate a twenty-dollar bill.

DONATE - your tax deductible twenty dollar bill

I know there are many other things you may want to use that twenty dollars for. But giving is good for your heart and it opens doors for more in your life. This is a giving opportunity that is important to both my wife and I. So we ask for your support of Annie and Dave Spell. Make it a gift that gifts so many others.

Thank you and stay inspired my friends.

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