A sky so blue
Arc of the earths horizon
Sun sets west
Ahead of the fading blue
New day will dawn
Once again a sky so blue
Arc of the earths horizon
Sun sets west
Ahead of the fading blue
New day will dawn
Once again a sky so blue
- Joseph Primm -
It comes along when you least expect it. A life changing event, an unexpected circumstance, or a path not intended enters into your world.
Each of us will face these moments in time.
It will feel as though your entire world has come unglued. The path you were walking on was well marked and you had a clear vision of where you were headed. Then all of a sudden you find your self in unknown territory. The path looks completely different and frantically you try to find where on the map you are standing.
You look around and question your changing life
Yet life is simply going on around and to you.
There is an old adage which says "the sun will rise again" and it does not mean life goes on without you. It is meant to say your life will go on and you will get to see another blue sky. All of the possibility which existed before still exists now. New opportunities have also been placed in front of you to discover.
So take this change and energize yourself with a new attitude
Stay inspired my friends!