The weather channel says there is a probability of rain or snow. The news channels begin to repeat it over and over. The impending storm could possibly happen and there is no shortage of people reminding you. So you run to the store and buy bread, eggs and milk along with some extra batteries. You are convinced the storm will happen so preparation is your motto.
Early in the morning you wake to see just how bad it is outside. The surprise on your face tells the story. The hype of news over snow materialized and now you have a lot of egg sandwiches to eat. The idea of being prepared is not what I'm writing about though.
Being prepared is a good thing. Looking to the future and believing in a forecast is like believing in your own goals. The forecast and signs of success are there, but do you prepare nearly as much. Do you believe in what you have forecast for yourself and then done as much as you can to get yourself ready for the outcome?
You must believe in your goals, more importantly in yourself. The forecast for you is success and great things; are you prepared?